
[HB]FactoryServiceMode Tool v0.2 - Factory/Service mode (FSM) sans JIG/Dongle : Homebrews PS3 - PS3-Infos

[HB]FactoryServiceMode Tool v0.2 - Factory/Service mode (FSM) sans JIG/Dongle   

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[HB]FactoryServiceMode Tool v0.2 - Factory/Service mode (FSM) sans JIG/Dongle

Messagepar Attila » Ven 3 Fév 2012 10:45

imageFactoryServiceMode Tool est un homebrew spécial pour PS3 en firmware 3.55, 3.41 ou 3.15 qui permet de passer en Factory / Service Mode la PS3, et ce sans aucun dongle.
Pour rappel, le Factory / Service mode sert entre autre lors d'un downgrade.

Version 0.2
LV2 restart
logging overhauled (more verbose)
added peek/poke test with error logging
added hvcall 114 test with error logging
Copies Lv2diag_exit.self to dev_usb000
^^^^ (user would need to rename to use it)


Quand vous lancerez l'application, la PS3 va faire un beep et redémarrer en cas de succès. Trois beeps indiquent une erreur. Factory.txt indique l'erreur (mettre une clé USB dans le port USB le plus à droite pour que ce fichier puisse être stocké). A ce point, vous serez dans le Factory Service Mode (FSM). Placez le Lv2Diag.self de votre choix sur la clé USB pour qu'il soit executé automatiquement. Vous devrez utiliser le lv2diag fourni avec l'application pour sortir du mode FSM (n'oubliez pas de le renommer Lv2Diag.self).

Cette application ne marchera pas avec des firmwares "reDRM", alias Cobra ou True Blue CFW.

- Installez le PKG approprié pour votre système, la version FactoryServiceMode.gnpdrm.pkg pour les consoles CEX/retail/normales et FactoryServiceMode.pkg pour les DEX/debug.
- Lancez l'application et écoutez les beeps, vous devriez entrer en FSM automatiquement.
- Placez le Lv2Diag.self de votre choix à la racine d'une clé USB. Soyez sur qu'il est bien nommé Lv2diag.self. Celui fourni avec l'application permet juste de quitter le FSM. N'utilisez pas un lv2diag pour réparer un RSOD si vous n'en avez pas !
- Placez la clé USB dans le port USB le plus à droite de la PS3.
- Redémarrez la PS3. Quand elle démarrera, vous serez sorti du FSM (si vous avez utilisé le lv2diag fourni).


The app detects the firmware you are running on so it should work on all the firmwares supported by "one" previously. (3.15, 3.41, and 3.55. Basically, Ones that are lower than 3.56.) During creation of this tool, the open-source ps3toolchain, and a slightly modified make_self were utilized. All code is original and makes use of no previously released or copyrighted code, this Lv2diag.self is made 100% with the PSL1GHT SDK so it can be shared freely and without concern for breaking any laws in your country. So, "no sony code inside!"


Q: Can I use this with the RSOD fix self you released earlier?
A: You should only use the RSOD fix Lv2Diag.self to repair a RSOD PS3. Use the suplied Lv2diag.self packaged with this release to simply get out of service mode.

Q: I'm having problems... help!!!!?!?!?!?
A: Post the contents of the factory.txt, which is stored on the root of the USB flash drive where you put Lv2Diag.self, along with a detailed explanation and we will try to help you out. Without the contents of the factory.txt file... we will not be able to help.

Q: Why didn't you just name the release .self file Lv2diag.self and save us a step?
A: We intend to release more fun tools for you at some point, this just helps you keep them straight from the start.

Q: It doesn't beep a single time for me, it beeps 3 times and goes back to the XMB. Can you help?
A: We attempted to fixed this in the v.2 version of the app, ensure you have that one installed. If you do have that installed. Run the app a second time, without shutting down or restarting the PS3.

Q: I see this, "ERROR: failed to read EPROM", in the factory.txt error log. Can you help?
A: You likely heard 3 beeps. We attempted to fixed this in the v.2 version of the app, ensure you have that one installed. If you do have that installed. Run the app a second time, without shutting down or restarting the PS3.

Q: I see this, "ERROR: SS EPROM read error returned: 1, product_mode: 0", in the factory.txt error log. Can you help?
A: You likely heard 3 beeps. We attempted to fixed this in the v.2 version of the app, ensure you have that one installed. If you do have that installed. Run the app a second time, without shutting down or restarting the PS3.

Q: I see this, "ERROR: LV1 mmap hvcall 114 not available:", in the factory.txt error log. Can you help?
A: You likey have OFW (With Original PSJB Dongle even) or a reDRM Firmware. You will need to switch to a MFW to get this application to work.

Q: I see this, "ERROR: LV2 poke syscall not available:", in the factory.txt error log. Can you help?
A: You likey have OFW (With Original PSJB Dongle even) or a reDRM Firmware. You will need to switch to a MFW to get this application to work.

Q: I get a 80010505 error in factory.txt on the USB drive sometimes. HELP!?!?!
A: We noticed this on one Phat CECHG system in testing. but could not replicate it on other PS3's and it only occured after the initial run from a power on of the PS3. In this case, every time we ran it a second time the application worked with out fail. Try again and post the factory.txt if the problem persists.

Q: Could you have made this just a little easier to use?
A: Nope! ;-)

FactoryServiceMode-v0.2.rar officiel :
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