
[NEWS]Black Ops 2 Modding Tool : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Black Ops 2 Modding Tool   

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[NEWS]Black Ops 2 Modding Tool

Messagepar Attila » Lun 21 Jan 2013 21:30

imageSi vous êtes fan de call of duty black ops 2, voici un outil permettant de tricher dans le jeu, si votre PS3 est jailbreakée.

L'outil va vous patcher des fichiers .self/.bin et vous devrez les copier dans le dossier /dev_hdd0/game/LE TITLE ID DU JEU/USRDIR/.


Attention: N'essayez pas de jouer en ligne avec, vous serez automatiquement banni du PSN/SEN.

Les patchs marchent en multijoueur, dans le mode zombie et dans la campagne solo. Vous pourrez ainsi avoir par exemple des munitions infinies, aller super vite ou réduire la gravité.
Vous aurez besoin de la mise à jour 1.04 du jeu.

his is the latest installment of my Black Ops II Modding tool. What it does is build .SELF/.BIN files for use on CFW PS3's. Here are some things this version has that the previous did not:

Added several new mods
Added support for Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies
Now works for 3.55 CFW (tested and confirmed)

How to use the tool:

Make sure you have update 1.04 installed on your PS3 first!

Download the .rar file and extract it (if you delete any files from inside the rar, the tool will not work!)
Launch "BOII Modding Tool.exe".
Load an ELF file for either campaign or MP/Zombies (EBOOT.ELF is for campaign, t6mp_ps3.elf is for MP/Zombies. Downloads for clean ELFs can be found in the downloads section of this post).
Check off whatever mods you want. Make sure to pick a region and a firmware version. If you want to choose DEX firmware, you will need to get the file "make_fself_npdrm.exe" from the PS3 SDK and add it to the folder with my tool.
Click on "Build .SELF/.BIN". Save the file as whatever you want.
If your mods are for campaign, rename the file you saved to EBOOT.BIN and copy it to /dev_hdd0/game/YOUR REGION/USRDIR/ on your PS3.
If your mods are for Multiplayer/Zombies, rename the file you saved to t6mp_ps3f.self and copy it to /dev_hdd0/game/YOUR REGION/USRDIR/ on your PS3

Important notes:
I cannot provide a link to make_fself_npdrm due to legality issues. If you want to build your mods for DEX, you will need to get this file (can be found in the PS3 SDK) and add it to the folder with my tool in it.
Any false virus positives on my tool are due to protection of the application to prevent reverse engineering.
This tool will only work for ELFs from the 1.04 update.
If you use super jump in Campaign, you MUST use god mode to prevent dying from fall damage.
If you use Floating Bodies in campaign, some vehicles will float into the sky. This makes several missions impossible to complete.
YOU WILL GET BANNED IF YOU USE THIS ONLINE. It's also best to keep it offline, wouldn't want to ruin gameplay for others

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