- (PS3) Added waterpaint-normalcontrast.cg, waterpaint-normalcontrast-
scanline.cg, waterpaint-highcontrast.cg,
waterpaint-highcontrast-scanline.cg shaders
- (PS3) Optimized crt.cg shader - now runs at 60fps (fullspeed) at 1080p
(1920x1080). Also added crt-highgamma.cg.
- (PS3) Texture references used - far faster graphics code as a result. Also
adapted refreshwithalpha so that it
looks the same as it did before without texture references.
- (PS3) Added all the shaders added inbetween r423 and the custom versions
- (PS3) Replaced inlineASM in burnint.h with intrinsic so that it can be
compiled with SNC. Also commented out
little endian functions in blargg_endian.h to get SNC to work
- (PS3) Commented out all exceptions and try - catch blocks in files such as
ticpp.cpp and others - SNC by default
works with exception support disabled - also exceptions have performance
overhead - commenting out the exceptions
and the try-catch blocks for both GCC and SNC increased performance.
- (PS3) Got rid of virtual function call overhead in classes that inherited from
a base class with virtual function
definitions - such as the Cellframework Audio driver, and FBA's aud_audio.h
itself. Led to measurable performance
increases and lag reduction.
- (PS3) Better button responsiveness - in PS3/run.cpp, for some reason button
input was only being registered one
out of every three frames - commented that out. There were tons of other
branches in the interface code that are
unnecessary - checking for bDrivOkay for instance in video_interface and
vid_psgl - that were commented out for
PS3. This could similary be applied to FBA 360 for some performance gains - same
with the elimination of virtual
function call overhead.
- (PS3) Menu scrolling with the D-pad/analog stick in the ROM browser/settings
menu/ingame menu by pressing and
holding directional keys.
- (PS3) Shaders now receive three additional input params for the main vertex
program (main_vertex). This
allows us to offload some more calculations from the fragment shader which leads
to increased performance.
- (PS3) Added back ability to go to Service menu by pressing R3 button.
- (Core) - Rygar driver colors are restored again to normal colors - during the
update to FBA beta, a swapword
statement was left out.
- (PS3) Makefile works now for either SNC or GCC. Change CELL_BUILD_TOOLS to set
either of the two. The best
speed I currently get with GCC for some odd reason.
- (PS3) Makefile and preprocessor statements in the code now let you compile the
source and have it detect
your SDK version automatically.
- (PS3) There is a special debug mode you can activate (CELL_DEBUG_CONSOLE = 1)
where a Telnet server will
be running in the background which you can telnet into - in this mode, you can
track variables and/or dump
screenshots on the HDD.
Les caractéristiques de cet émulateur sont les suivantes :
- Support des roms Capcom CPS-1
- Support des roms Capcom CPS-2
- Support des roms Capcom CPS-3
- Support des roms Cave
- Support des roms Neo geo
- Support des roms Sega System 16 (et systèms identiques), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board
- Support des roms Toaplan
- Support des roms Taito 68k
- Support des roms Psikyo 68EC020/SH2
- Support des roms PGM
- Support des roms Konami
- Support des roms Sega Megadrive (savestates ne sont pas supportés)
- Support des roms Autres (celles que le créateur aimait bien)
- Support comlet du son et des graphismes
- Support du multiplayers (de 1 à 4)
- 100% de la vitesse, avec la plupart des filtres graphiques
- Facilité d'utilisation grâce à une interface simple
- Support de presque 3000 roms
- Roms filtrables
- 13 filtres graphiques software
- 2 filtres graphiques hardware
- Code source disponible
- Support du mode 16/9
Vous devez mettre vos roms dans le dossier /dev_hdd0/game/FBAN00000/USRDIR/roms/
- L2 + R2 + R1 Pause/Retour au menu
- R3 Service Mode
- L3 Reset Rom actuelle
Versions compatibles 1.92, 3.41 ou 3.55 (CFW) :
Télécharger Télécharger FBANext-PS3 r424
Code source : http://code.google.com/p/fba360/
Source : http://ps3crunch.com/fbanext-ps3-r424-fw-1-92fw-3-15fw-3-41cfw-3-55.html