On sait déjà qu'il aura le menu "install package file" mais pas de syscall "peek & poke".
Il a patché le nas_plugin et a fait marcher make_self_npdrm.
Ci-dessous le log de conversation:
[17:03] < @geohot> yea, full jailbreak working icon smile Geohot: Full 3.55 CFW PS3 Jailbreak Is Working!
[17:04] < +grandy> nice geohot
[17:04] < @geohot> package installed and run
[17:04] < +Xtse> good job
[17:04] < +segobi> good work yes
[17:04] < +inf1> icon surprised Geohot: Full 3.55 CFW PS3 Jailbreak Is Working!
[17:04] < +evilsperm> and grats geohot lol
[17:04] < +inf1> kernel patching or npdrm builder?
[17:04] < @dwrfcrank> geohot: cool
[17:04] < @geohot> omg no kernel patching
[17:04] < @geohot> omg omg omg omg
[17:04] < @dwrfcrank> icon biggrin Geohot: Full 3.55 CFW PS3 Jailbreak Is Working!
[17:05] < @dwrfcrank> geohot’s reactions wrt kernel patching are always fun
[17:08] < +RyLoS> geohot: full jb working on 3.55?
[17:08] < +inf1> well, he probably signed right and bypassed npdrm
[17:09] < +inf1> but how he delivers it to the ps3
[17:09] < +djp> yea he said yesterday he was working on npdrm
[17:09] < +inf1> ?
[17:09] < +RyLoS> so syscalls working?
[17:12] < @geohot> no peeking or poking
[17:12] < @geohot> stop ir
[17:12] < @geohot> *it
[17:12] < @geohot> updating to 3.55…
[17:13] < +inf1> so, you installed it on jailbroken 3.41 and just updating to 3.55?
[17:13] < +inf1> no deliver way?
[17:13] < @geohot> installed on unjailbroken 3.41
[17:13] < +inf1> how
[17:13] < @geohot> deliver in pup eventually
[17:13] < @geohot> now it’s lv2diag
[17:14] < +inf1> what about npdrm
[17:14] < @geohot> beasted
[17:14] < @geohot> make_self_npdrm works
[17:14] < @geohot> and i currently patch nas_plugin
[17:14] < +inf1> sweet
[17:14] < @geohot> but thats up in the air
[17:15] < +Xtse> I think I added the wrong description to my git when adding the key Mathieulh posted inside the source for psp ps3 pkg~..
[17:15] < +Xtse> nas_plugin memory patch?
[17:15] < @Mathieulh> lol
[17:15] < @geohot> nah, on dev_flash patch
[17:15] < @geohot> memory patch = lv2
[17:15] < @geohot> and omg omg omg omg no
[17:16] < @geohot> make_sprx works too
[17:16] < @geohot> if i do release, it won’t be for a couple days
[17:16] < @geohot> but its 4am here, i might still do a video tonight
[17:17] < @geohot> omg updates are so slow
EDIT: La vidéo montre un PKG installé sur la PS3 et lancé, ce qui indique que le NPDRM est patché car on ne peux pas installer d'homebrew sur le disque dur de la PS3 sans patchs du firmware.
Source : http://dukio.com/geohot-full-355-cfw-ps3-jailbreak-working.html