Retrouvez les schéma de câblage pour PS3 et Wii, un programme pour Windows et les drivers.
Programme version 19/08/11
- NOR: verification is only done if "verify" is checked and only after it's done flashing
- NOR: added "ByteSwap" so you don't have to use any additional app to reverse the bytes - goes for dump and flash (for transplanet v1 but you can also use the unaltered version of norunpack this way)
- Logging: moved the log file to the application directory so you don't need admin rights
*) if you're using 16MByte SAMSUNG NOR, please use Sector Size: 4kB/ Sector Count: 4096 and check "alternate writing method".
*) Differential flash, if you haven't noticed yet, will skip unnecessary writes (compares data on chip vs data in file)
Télécharger ProgSkeet 19/08: Dump/flash de NAND et NOR
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