Pour convertir un ISO PS2 en fichier ISO.BIN.ENC, lancez l'application, cliquez sur encrypt, puis cliquez sur l'icône de dossier à côté de "decrypted image" pour choisir votre fichier .ISO ou .BIN de votre jeu PS2, puis cliquez sur encrypt. Suivez ensuite les instructions données pour Multiman.
Version 2.0
The new version now allows to create the PKG with custom images and text.
Drag & drop the images (jpg, bmp, gif, tif or even a PARAM.SFO) or paste an image from the clipboard or select the images using the open dialog, and the program will create the images with the proper dimensions when the "Make PKG" button is pressed.
Version 1.5.2
- Graphical progress bar
- Display of ICON0 on top right corner
- Display of title id & game title when an iso or encrypted iso is selected
- Support to open/edit PARAM.SFO
- Patch the PARAM.SFO with title id & game title
- Uses the default Klicensee and Content ID from @CaptainCPS-X 's PS2 Classics Placeholder
- Includes the RAP for PS2 Classics Placeholder (also reActPSN in included in the rar)
- New ps2classic.exe from IngPereira & flat_z
- Rehash of saves
- New heuristics verification to know if hash table must be updated or appended to the save file
- The conversion now asks where to save the result file (ISO.BIN, ISO.BIN.ENC, CONFIG, CONFIG.DEC, SCEVMC0.VME, SCEVMC0.VMC) - Many other improvements
Télécharger PS2 Classics GUI v2.0: Décrypter/encrypter les jeux PS2 classics
Site officiel : http://www.aldostools.org/ps3tools.html