
[NEWS]PS3 Media Server 1.82.0: Lisez vos médias sur PS3 à distance : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS3 Media Server 1.82.0: Lisez vos médias sur PS3 à distance   

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[NEWS]PS3 Media Server 1.82.0: Lisez vos médias sur PS3 à distance

Messagepar Attila » Lun 3 Juin 2013 11:28

imagePS3 Media Server est un utilitaire vous permettant de lire différents type de média stockés sur votre ordinateur sur la PS3. Cette application, codée en Java, vous permet de transcoder et d'envoyer en streaming tous type de fichiers, le tout avec un minimum de configuration. Elle est basée sur les paquets de Mplayer/FFmpeg, gage de qualité.

Version 1.82
- dcraw Thumbnailer:
- Fix image transcoding
- Add support for more extensions
- FFmpeg:
- Fix bug that disabled FFmpeg for compatible files
- Fix audio channel selection (thanks, valib)
- MEncoder Video:
- Fixed bug that caused embedded subtitles to be displayed instead of external (thanks, SubJunk)
- Fixed handling of per-renderer aspect-ratio settings (thanks, ExSport)
- tsMuxeR:
- Fixed 24-bit FLAC support with tsMuxeR (thanks, SubJunk)
- Fix bug that disabled tsMuxeR for compatible files
- VLC:
- Fix looping playback
- Add multi-threading support (GC1234: thanks, ccampora)
- Misc:
- New engine: VLCWebVideo ("vlcwebvideo")
- Clean up engine names

- PS3: TV series with sound problems after "previously on" block should now play normally with the "Keep AC-3 track" option enabled (thanks, SubJunk)

Language updates:
- Updated Dutch translation (thanks, leroy)

- Fix issue with VirtualBox and PMS launchers (thanks, thepadawan42)
- Added support for M4A files encoded with Fraunhofer AAC
- Upgrade Thumbnailator to 0.4.4 to fix out-of-memory errors (thanks, coobird)

Version 1.81.0
- Add/fix audio channel options
- Build script: add HTTPS support

- Add support for the file:// protocol
- Match protocols (e.g. mms://...) before extensions (e.g.

- Media Parser v1: fix audio channel parsing
- Fix for "Can't assign requested address" bug after update to Java 1.6.0_45 on Mac OSX

Version 1.80.0
- Re-allow all transcode engines to be disabled
- FFmpeg has been renamed ffmpeg_video_custom_options and now defaults to null
- Document TranscodeVideo and TranscodeAudio profiles
- Panasonic TVs: Add "exclusive" option to SeekByTime to work around a transcoding issue
- PS3: Restore seek-by-time support for streaming
- Android: allowing chunked transfer
- AirPlayer & iPad/iPhone: transcoding to WMV format gives better results
- Improved support for Sony Bravia HX (thanks, mazey!)
- Improved streaming support for some renderers (thanks, ExSport!)
FFmpeg Video and FFmpeg Web Video:
- Support all three TranscodeVideo profiles: WMV, MPEGTSAC3 and MPEGPSAC3
- Preserve source video quality
FFmpeg Video:
- Custom FFmpeg options are now read before each transcode rather than only at startup
(parity with custom MEncoder options)
- Rescale videos larger than the renderer's max height/width
- Updated to use "wmav2" codec (#1583)
FFmpeg Audio: support all TranscodeAudio profiles
- Added support for VLC as engine (thanks, LordQuackstar!)
Language updates:
- Updated Brazilian translation (thanks, Bruno Arueira!)
- Updated Catalan translation (thanks, oscaroe!)
- Updated simplified Chinese translation (thanks, lovenemesis!)
- Updated Italian translation (thanks, nocciola82!)
- Fixed bug that prevents PMS running multiple profiles concurrently
- Fixed NPE when responding to DLNA subtitle requests
- Fixed NPE for empty soapactions
- Image thumbnailer:
- Added thumbnail support for TIFF and other formats
- Trapped exception when handling unsupported formats
- Fixed response to M-SEARCH "ssdp:all" message (thanks, ler0y!)
- Fixed fontconfig configuration for Mac OSX, improving subtitle quality
- Moved several transcoding settings from MEncoder to Common transcoding settings
- Layout improvements to remove scroll bars where possible
- Help is now context sensitive

Procédure de mise à jour

Pour 1.70.0 et au-dessus:
• Juste désinstaller l'ancienne version et installer la nouvelle

Pour les versions antérieures à 1.70.0:
• Il est conseillé d'effacer le fichier de configuration PMS.conf et de réentrer la config.


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