
[NEWS]Slime Roll v0.1 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Slime Roll v0.1   

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[NEWS]Slime Roll v0.1

Messagepar Attila » Sam 20 Aoû 2011 23:45

imageVoici encore un mini jeu par ThatOtherDev et il s'agit cette fois de Slime Roll, basé sur une démo HTML 5 qu'il avait faite.
Un éditeur de niveau est disponible.


Here is something “new” that I have been playing with. It’s sort of a continuation of a browser based demo I made when HTML5 was the cool new thing and I was still messing around with JavaScript and an HTML5 canvas for the first time.

Currently there is some green stuff that falls down and you can rotate the world to make it fall in a different direction and in doing so you can get the green stuff to navigate the world. There is a built in level editor.

It is just a toy at the moment and a roughly constructed one at that. I will probably do a bit more work on it and make it into a game but I don’t know when. I’m not really considering it a very high priority. If you think it’s interesting and want to see it improved upon sooner rather then later then let me know.

PS3 controls:
* Left analog stick = Move the camera
* L1 and R1 = rotate the camera and the direction of gravity
* L2 and R2 = zoom the camera in and out
* X (in the editor) spawn a wall (hold and drag to scale)
* Circle (in the editor) spawn a something (hold and drag to scale)
* Square (in the editor) spawn slime
* Triangle (in the editor) delete the most recently spawned thing

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