webMAN Mod 1.42.03
Complete support for 4.60 DEX
Added new memory footprint profil MAX+ (1280KB)
Corrected some offsets patch for 4.75dex
Added Osirisx's changes for his plugin (PS3XPAD)
Redirect net_host/PKG to app_home to allow install pkg files using the combo for net0/net1
BD/DVD regions now also show the country/region (in addition to code)
Now XMB is sorted by first 6 letters, instead of first 4 letters.
The function that read the registry is now a general purpose function (with small optimizations)
Changed some hard coded numbers to defined constants (e.g. SC_COBRA_SYSCALL8, MAX_XMB_ITEMS)
Small bug fix in line that says: //net0/net1/net2
Other small fixes that I don't remember
webMAN MOD 1.42.02
Support 4.75 DEX, thx to Alexander to porting offsets patchs, i'm to lazy to do it :p
Now control fan is disabled by default on the first boot of webMAN MOD (requested by lot of users)
Updated Italian xml file
Télécharger webMAN-MOD v1.42.03: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW
Site Officiel (officiel) : http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/article-deank-releases-webman-v1-40-4-65-4-66-cobra-cfw-users-126561/index2.html#post1156272
Code Source (mod) : https://github.com/Matsumot0/webMAN-MOD/releases