
[NEWS]webMAN-MOD v1.43.16: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]webMAN-MOD v1.43.16: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW   

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[NEWS]webMAN-MOD v1.43.16: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 12 Nov 2015 13:09

imageDean, auteur de MultiMan, nous présente webMAN. Ce plugin permet de lancer des backups de jeux PS3, PS2, PS1, PSP ainsi que des Blu-ray ou des DVD, stocké sur disque dur (y compris en NTFS) ou sur le réseau local, au format JB ou ISO, et ceci directement depuis le XMB ! Il met également un serveur FTP et WWW à disposition en arrière plan.
M@tsumot0 et Aldostools proposent une version MOD de webMan, apportant notamment le support de 21 langages utilisant des fichiers externes, un installer/updater pour CFW Cobra et NonCobra, le spoof IDPS/PSID, la désactivation des syscalls du cfw, et de nombreuses autres choses encore.

Image Image

Changelog WebMAN MOD :

Version 1.43.16
Added File Manager & Plugins Manager to VSH Menu
Added Cut/Copy/Paste to File Manager
File manager & /cpursx.ps3 now show if progress of copy
Added support to copy additional file types (including coldboot, .rco and others)
Syscall 8 is now disabled if webMAN is unloaded and syscalls were disabled
/dev_bdvd now shows the mounted file
icon0 is shown in file manager when possible

Version 1.43.15
Added ability to restore the syscalls 6/7/8/9/10/11/35 in /syscall.ps3mapi (without having to reboot)
CPU/RSX temperatures displayed on the header of the html pages now are updated every 15 secs.
Added next/back navigation with left/right keys to the memory hex viewer (/peek.lv1? and /peek.lv2? )

Version 1.43.14
Ability to use the file or folder name of the game, instead of the title in PARAM.SFO
Ability to disable display of ICON0.PNG (only default icons and images from custom url are displayed)
Covers now show a default icon if the url of the image is not available.
Reworked the disabled syscalls. Now always use PS3MAPI to disable the syscalls on all Cobra builds. Syscalls 6/7/9/10/11/35/36/38 now are always disabled. Syscall 8 is partially disabled by PS3MAPI.
webMAN now only uses syscalls 8/9 for peek/poke lv1/lv2. Peek lv1/lv2 now is available when syscalls are disabled. Poke is only available using Cobra 7.2 (unreleased).
Implemented an improved security that prevents access from external processes to syscall 8 (when syscalls are disabled) - (Available only with Cobra 7.2)
Blocked online servers are now restored when syscalls are disabled.
Fixed an issue showing html5 code (datalist) on PS3 browser

télécharger Télécharger webMAN v1.43 et webMAN-MOD v1.43.16: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW Officiel (officiel) : Source (mod) :
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