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CFW REX 4.65.2 avec Cobra 7.03
Correction des bugs de la version 4.65.1 :
- Synchronisation de la manette sur les jeux PS2
- Problème vidéo de jeux PS1
- Le support complet d'iso PS2 sur des consoles compatible/semi compatible PS2
- Problèmes de TMAPI
- Tous les autres bugs
COBRA mode / webMAN currently disabled by default, if you want to use Cobra 7.03 features, please enable Cobra mode via REBUG TOOLBOX 2.02.02. Previous Cobra CFW users may experience issues with some games due to improved cobra payload that has updated permission patch, in this case. ***Remove old game data and re-install the game, possibly save game data as well if you run into weird issues. Previous Cobra payload still had its old patches that were used for USB Dongle and mmCM, but not anymore, and this fixes the issue with all non-working games with Cobra. non-Cobra users will not have this problem since their data were not corrupted by old cobra payload.
Télécharger Rebug CFW REX 4.65.2 avec Cobra 7.03: Transformer une PS3 retail en semi débug
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