
[PC]CreatePS3EXTRA : Déplacer les PKG, MP4 et P3T à part : Applications PC / MAC - PS3-Infos

[PC]CreatePS3EXTRA : Déplacer les PKG, MP4 et P3T à part   

Les applications pour PC ou MAC pour votre PS3

[PC]CreatePS3EXTRA : Déplacer les PKG, MP4 et P3T à part

Messagepar Attila » Dim 29 Jan 2012 23:13

imageCreatePS3EXTRA est une application qui va déplacer les fichiers PKG, MP4 et P3T d'un jeu vers une partition "PS3_EXTRA" de votre jeu, pour ainsi trier les DLC, vidéos et thèmes à part.
Quand vous monterez le jeu dans multiman, vous verrez une icône pour lancer le jeu, et une autre pour installer ce contenu additionnel.

It scans for the PKG, MP4 and P3T files copied to each game folder or its PS3_UPDATE folder, and store them under a PS3_EXTRA structure. When a game is mounted with multiMAN, there will be 2 BD icons on the XMB: one disc for the game itself and another with PKGs, MP4 and P3T. It should make it easier to install the game patches, DLC, fixes, and related videos.

The zip also includes a PS3RIP tool that should help you gain some space on your external HDD, removing unnecessary files. It actually moves the files to a RIPPED folder in the root of the disk and replace the file with a 0 byte file.

The included patterns should remove language files for many games except English and Spanish files. Always review the "RIPPED" folder before delete permanently any file.

The other tool included is renam.exe, if copied to the GAMES or GAMEZ folder, it will rename the sub-folders from BLUS0000-[Title] format to Title [BLUS0000]. This name format should make it easier to find the games.

These tools are Win32 and require the VB5 runtime DLL. XP users should have this already installed (if not, download & install the DLL). officiel :
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