
[PC]PS3MFW Builder v1.0.0: Créez votre CFW perso : Applications PC / MAC - PS3-Infos

[PC]PS3MFW Builder v1.0.0: Créez votre CFW perso   

Les applications pour PC ou MAC pour votre PS3

[PC]PS3MFW Builder v1.0.0: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar Attila » Lun 14 Fév 2011 00:39

imagePS3MFW Builder vous permet de créer votre propre Custom Firmware pour un firmware compris entre 3.10 et 4.x.
Ainsi vous pouvez retrouver toutes les fonctionnalités des CFW existants: peek&poke, installation de pkg signés et non signés, /app_home. Vous pouvez également supprimer quelques icônes inutiles du XMB.

Version 1.0.0 par Anonymous, RedDot-3ND7355 et autres
- Auto sélection des tâches 4.X et de ses options.
- Pleinement testé depuis un firmware 3.55.
- Downgrade software depuis un 999DGR.
- Pas de bricks.
- N'utilisez pas pour un downgrade hardware !
- Il contient toutes les tâches de la précédente version et aussi la fonctionnalité de faire des screenshots partout.

Version 0.3 par cfwprpht
Finally i decided to give that unofficial release the version v0.3 in case of the massive changes to MFW Builder. We have now 4.xx FW support and there for i added a lot of new things and apps's like new_pkg which also generate a spkg matching with the input pkg, i removed self_rebuilder and added scetool to decrypt SELF's and to rebuild the SELF's. For the last option i coded a own routine which check the input SELF and set up the correct variables to use with scetool. Then we have a new script to auto generate predefined MFW/CFW-'s like the puplic released one's. To make MFW Builder a bit more secure for the avarage end user i added a SHA1 checksum test on the input PUP which can also be disabled per option for the more advanced user. And dev's which maybe plan to release there next CFW via script for MFW Builder can enable a hidden option in the file 'mfw' to add a new SHA1 checksum of the input PUP to the db.xml. So they also can use there old CFW as input and only apply the new changes to it. So dev's don't need to share copyright protected stuff and the end user don't need to download a 200MB file every time or for every CFW and/or store more then 1 OFW on his PC.

And thats even not all what is new. I will continue working on MFW to make it an even more usefull tool then it allread y is right now.

Big THX to and Anonymous Developers (Code Monkeys) for this great tool.

Unofficial 0.2.3 update ‘cfwprpht’
- Major Clean Up
- Added support for 4.xx CFW
- Added spkg tool’s
- Added new Keys to .ps3 folder
- Added calculated private key’s for 4.xx (scekrit keys – still needs disabled ECDSA check to work)
- Added scetool to decrypt self’s and to re-sign LV1, LV2, spu_pkg_rvk_verifier, they are now correctly rebuilded for 4.xx CFW
- Merged and re-arranged tasks/commands to speed up patching process
- Added Templat dir and templat icons for the segments in the homebrew category
- Added templat.xml whith ‘AC1D CFW’ pkg-mgr, homebrew and emulator segment
- Added standalone ‘*Install Package Files’ app to MFW
- Added a command which will create a custom dir in dev_flash for us (to use for templat imgs or the standalone Install Packages app)
- Updated Spoof task up to including 4.31
- Removed standart FirmWare spoofing in case of you can use Jailbait patch and have the same result
- Added a new Hombrew Category patch which will merge Network cat with PSN cat and use Network cat as HomeBrew cat if one of the 4 new segment patches are used
- Merged ssl patches, nas_plugin and the nonretail patches to patch_vsh.tcl
- Updated Jailbait patches and merged them with Patch_vsh.tcl to make it more specific and speed up patching process
- Added patch_lv2_npdrm_ecdsa_check to the jailbait patches category
- Added customize_mfw.tcl and merged cooldboot patches into it
- Added patch_pup.tcl and merged broken bluray, broken bluetooth, change pup version, shop2retail and retail2shop to it
- Added patch_cos.tcl and merged lv0, lv2, spu pkg rvk verifier and emer init patches to it to speed up patching process
- Added patch-lv0-coreos-ecdsa-check: Patch to disable CoreOS ECDSA check in LV0 (needed for 4.xx CFW)
- Added patch-lv1-remove-lv2-protection: Remove LV2 protection (needed for 4.xx CFW)
- Added patch-lv2-payload-hermes-355: Patch to implement hermes LV2 payload with SC8 and /app_home/ redirection 3.55
- Added patch-lv2-SC36-355: Patch to implement SysCall36 3.55
- Added patch-lv2-peek-poke-4x: Patch to add Peek&Poke;system calls to LV2 4.xx
- Added patch-lv2-lv1-peek-poke-4x: Patch to add LV1 Peek&Poke;system calls to LV2 4.xx (LV1 peek/poke patch necessary)
- Added patch-lv2-npdrm-ecdsa-check: Jailbait – Patch to disable NPDRM ECDSA check 4.xx
- Added patch-lv2-payload-hermes-4x: Patch to implement hermes LV2 payload SC8 /app_home/ redirection & embended app mount 4.xx
- Added patch-lv2-SC36-4x: Patch to implement SysCall36 4.xx
- Added patch-spkg-ecdsa-check: Patch to disable ECDSA check for spkg files (needed for 4.xx CFW)
- Added patch-alpha-sort: Alphabetical sort Order for Games in the XMB
- Added patch-rape-sfo: Rape the SFO Param’s X0 (NeoGeo) and X4 (PCEngine) to use with the Homebrew category and custome segments
- Added add-install-pkg: Add the standart Install Package Files Segment to the HomeBrew Category in XMB
- Added add-pkg-mgr: Add MFW PKG Manager Segment to the HomeBrew Category in XMB
- Added add-hb-seg: Add MFW HomeBrew Segment to the HomeBrew Category in XMB
- Added add-emu-seg: Add MFW Emulator Segment to the HomeBrew Category in XMB
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-debug-341: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 3.41 DEBUG
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-debug-355: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 3.55 DEBUG
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-341: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 3.41
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-355: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 3.55
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-4x: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 4.xx
- Added customize-coldboot-health-screen: Change default coldboot Healthscreen
- Added customize-xmb-wave: Change the default XMB wave
- Added customize-game-boot-scelogo: Change default Gameboot scelogo
- Added customize-game-boot-ps3logo: Change default Gameboot ps3logo
- Added customize-trophy-sound: Change default Trophy sound
- Added customize-system-error: Change default system error sound
- Added customize-system-ok: Change default system ok sound
- Added customize-cursor-click: Change default cursor click sound
- Added customize-cursor-back: Change default cursor back sound
- Added customize-embended-app: Change default embended app (* Install Package Files) to a custome one
- Added customize-fw-version: Change default fw version in XMB
- Fixed task Shop to retail, delating of promo_flags.txt was missing
- Fixed task Change CoreOS file, just a few typo’s
- Fixed task Jailbait, just a few typo’s again
- Added version-suffix combobox to reduce string fields for FW version suffixes, Added -MFW, Promotial-to-Retail, Retail-to-Promotial, OtherOS++, AC1D
- Added old/new * Install Package Files (rogero patch)
- Corrected some old and new bugs
- Greetz to euss, i fixed the self_rebuilder problem by adding scetool and a simply “if” command ;)

PS3MFW Builder v0.2.1 non officiel par DanyL
- Ajout de traductions du programme.
- Ajout de la possibilité de choisir le dossier où sont placés les clés PS3.
- Ajout de la possibilité de choisir un dossier temporaire.
- Sauvegarde des paramètres, comprenant les tâches choisies.
- Ajout de la possibilité de choisir plusieurs fichiers ou dossiers dans les "tasks".

glevand [Sat, 25 Jun 2011 21:19:06 +0000]
emergency init patch: added GameOS 1/8 of HDD size patch master

glevand [Sat, 25 Jun 2011 21:19:06 +0000]
emergency init patch: added GameOS 1/8 of HDD size patch
LV1 patch: removed QA flag patch

glevand [Fri, 24 Jun 2011 17:01:28 +0000]
LV1 patch: removed QA flag patch
LV2 patch: removed ATA crypto patch

glevand [Fri, 24 Jun 2011 13:36:36 +0000]
LV2 patch: removed ATA crypto patch
LV1 patch: added Indi Info Manager access patch

glevand [Fri, 24 Jun 2011 13:36:10 +0000]
LV1 patch: added Indi Info Manager access patch
LV1 patch: removed old comment for ATA crypto

glevand [Fri, 24 Jun 2011 07:42:46 +0000]
LV1 patch: removed old comment for ATA crypto
LV2 patch: added ATA crypto patch

glevand [Fri, 24 Jun 2011 07:30:07 +0000]
LV2 patch: added ATA crypto patch
LV1 patch: removed ATA crypto patch, needs more work

glevand [Fri, 24 Jun 2011 06:56:45 +0000]
LV1 patch: removed ATA crypto patch, needs more work
LV1 patch: added warning to ATA crypto patch because too many guys try to use without...

glevand [Thu, 23 Jun 2011 15:42:39 +0000]
LV1 patch: added warning to ATA crypto patch because too many guys try to use without having any understanding of it
LV2 patch: fixed LV1 peek/poke syscalls patch and renamed it to patch-lv2-lv1-peek...

glevand [Thu, 23 Jun 2011 07:54:35 +0000]
LV2 patch: fixed LV1 peek/poke syscalls patch and renamed it to patch-lv2-lv1-peek-poke-355
LV1 patch: added ENCDEC IOCTL 0x85 patch

glevand [Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:15:47 +0000]
LV1 patch: added ENCDEC IOCTL 0x85 patch
LV2 patch: added glevand mail

glevand [Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:19:11 +0000]
LV2 patch: added glevand mail
LV2 patch: added LV1 peek/poke syscalls for LV2

glevand [Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:18:22 +0000]
LV2 patch: added LV1 peek/poke syscalls for LV2
LV1 patch: added missing type comments

glevand [Wed, 22 Jun 2011 08:57:46 +0000]
LV1 patch: added missing type comments
LV1 patch: OtherOS++ patch: check for update status, product mode, recover mode and...

glevand [Wed, 22 Jun 2011 07:41:24 +0000]
LV1 patch: OtherOS++ patch: check for update status, product mode, recover mode and hdd copy mode, when one of this modes is on then don't boot OtherOS
LV1 patch: allow enabling product mode through SS service Update Manager Write EPROM

glevand [Wed, 22 Jun 2011 06:10:19 +0000]
LV1 patch: allow enabling product mode through SS service Update Manager Write EPROM
1LV1 patch: added patch to disable CoreOS and revoke list integrity check in System...

glevand [Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:01:21 +0000]
LV1 patch: added patch to disable CoreOS and revoke list integrity check in System Manager
1LV1 patch: added patch to disable ATA crypto

glevand [Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:56:22 +0000]
LV1 patch: added patch to disable ATA crypto
1emer_init patch: added patch-emer-init-gameos-hdd-region-size-quarter

glevand [Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:52:59 +0000]
emer_init patch: added patch-emer-init-gameos-hdd-region-size-quarter
emergency init patch: added GameOS HDD region 22GB smaller patch

glevand [Tue, 7 Jun 2011 10:36:27 +0000]
emergency init patch: added GameOS HDD region 22GB smaller patch
LV1 patch: allow mapping of HTAB with write protection

glevand [Mon, 30 May 2011 12:14:58 +0000]
LV1 patch: allow mapping of HTAB with write protection
LV1 patch: description of peek/poke patch revised

glevand [Fri, 20 May 2011 08:04:01 +0000]
LV1 patch: description of peek/poke patch revised
LV1 patch: added peek/poke support (lv1 calls 182 and 183)

glevand [Fri, 20 May 2011 08:00:16 +0000]
LV1 patch: added peek/poke support (lv1 calls 182 and 183)
LV1 OtherOS++ patch: check format of loader, only RAW format is supported

glevand [Sun, 15 May 2011 11:00:01 +0000]
LV1 OtherOS++ patch: check format of loader, only RAW format is supported
emergency init patch: fixed sector count

glevand [Sat, 14 May 2011 16:56:18 +0000]
emergency init patch: fixed sector count
added emergency init task

glevand [Sat, 14 May 2011 12:06:58 +0000]
added emergency init task
LV1 patch: ata region0 access patch compatibility with other versions

glevand [Mon, 9 May 2011 13:40:53 +0000]
LV1 patch: ata region0 access patch compatibility with other versions
Profile patch: added warning

glevand [Wed, 4 May 2011 08:54:38 +0000]
Profile patch: added warning
LV1 patch: repo node patch compatibility with other versions

glevand [Mon, 2 May 2011 15:11:43 +0000]
LV1 patch: repo node patch compatibility with other versions
LV1 patch: OtherOS++ compatibility with other versions patch

glevand [Mon, 2 May 2011 14:03:14 +0000]
LV1 patch: OtherOS++ compatibility with other versions patch
LV1 patch: UM QA patch compatibility fix

glevand [Mon, 2 May 2011 13:20:47 +0000]
LV1 patch: UM QA patch compatibility fix
Profile patch: disable increasing boot memory size of GameOS by default

glevand [Sun, 1 May 2011 09:41:35 +0000]
Profile patch: disable increasing boot memory size of GameOS by default
LV1 patch: fixed problems with name otheros++

glevand [Sun, 1 May 2011 09:39:42 +0000]
LV1 patch: fixed problems with name otheros++
LV1 patch: renamed OtherOS to OtherOS++

glevand [Sun, 1 May 2011 09:37:00 +0000]
LV1 patch: renamed OtherOS to OtherOS++
LV1 patch: fixed bug with cr register in OtherOS patch

glevand [Sat, 30 Apr 2011 14:04:54 +0000]
LV1 patch: fixed bug with cr register in OtherOS patch
LV1 patch: patch boot memory size of LPAR to 2^27

glevand [Sat, 30 Apr 2011 12:04:17 +0000]
LV1 patch: patch boot memory size of LPAR to 2^27
LV1 patch: allow extracting for all package types

glevand [Fri, 29 Apr 2011 12:16:09 +0000]
LV1 patch: allow extracting for all package types
LV1 patch: patch ability mask of System Manager to allow access to all services

glevand [Wed, 27 Apr 2011 18:44:38 +0000]
LV1 patch: patch ability mask of System Manager to allow access to all services
added task for patching profile

glevand [Wed, 27 Apr 2011 16:35:00 +0000]
added task for patching profile
LV1 patch: redirect call to gsboot_load_lv2 to OtherOS loader

glevand [Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:39:13 +0000]
LV1 patch: redirect call to gsboot_load_lv2 to OtherOS loader
LV1 patch: allow access to all regions of all storage devices

glevand [Tue, 26 Apr 2011 13:14:16 +0000]
LV1 patch: allow access to all regions of all storage devices
LV1 patch: dual boot support

glevand [Tue, 26 Apr 2011 12:36:28 +0000]
LV1 patch: dual boot support
LV1 patch: allow to create/modify/delete repository nodes in any LPAR; first OtherOS...

glevand [Tue, 26 Apr 2011 11:38:33 +0000]
LV1 patch: allow to create/modify/delete repository nodes in any LPAR; first OtherOS support
revised messages

glevand [Tue, 26 Apr 2011 05:39:50 +0000]
revised messages
LV1 patch: added del ENCDEC key patch

glevand [Mon, 25 Apr 2011 11:02:00 +0000]
LV1 patch: added del ENCDEC key patch
LV1 patch: added QA patch

glevand [Mon, 25 Apr 2011 10:31:28 +0000]
LV1 patch: added QA patch
LV1 patch: added Dispatcher Manager patch

glevand [Sun, 24 Apr 2011 08:09:04 +0000]
LV1 patch: added Dispatcher Manager patch

Version 0.2
- Correction de 2 bugs.
- Nécessite les ps3tools daté du 25 Mars 2011 (ou plus récent).
- Ajout des tâches suivantes :
- patch_privacy.tcl – La PS3 collecte un grand nombre d'informations personnelles durant l'utilisation. Des informations personnelles additionnelles sont envoyées vers divers sites quand internet est activé (peu importe l'accès au PSN). Cette tâche permet d'éviter d'envoyer des données vers les domaines que vous choisissez.
- broken_bluray.tcl – Vous permet de retirer l'installation du firmware Blu-Ray pour que le MFW puisse être installé sans lecteur Blu-Ray fonctionnel. Attention: c'est potentiellement dangereux si vous l'utilisez avec une PS3 ayant un lecteur fonctionnel et ne dois être utilisé que dans le cas d'un lecteur cassé.
- spoof_version.tcl – Vous permet de changer la version du firmware de la PS3 qui est affiché, similaire au rebug spoofer.
- change_coldboot_files.tcl – Utilisateurs avancés seulement: Possibilité de changer le son et l'animation affichés durant le démarrage. Attention: Si des fichiers corrompus sont utilisés, ceci peux causer un brick.
- change_ssl_cer.tcl – Permet le changement des certificats SSL.
- change_theme.tcl – Peux être utilisé pour modifier le thème par défaut "Airbursh" pour un autre thème (au format .p3t).
- patch_shop.tcl – Créé un firmware qui transforme les PS3 de démo (kiosk/shop, les unités utilisées dans les magasins) vers des retail (normales), sans avoir besoin de service mode.


Munissez vous du fichier PS3UPDAT.PUP du firmware original que vous voulez modifier, et remplissez les différentes cases de l'application.

Les auteurs indiquent qu'aucun brick n'a été rencontré jusqu'à présent.

Nouvelle version pour un CFW 4.X :
Our MFW 1.0.0.rar

Version pour faire un CFW 4.x. ATTENTION, NE L'UTILISEZ QUE SI VOUS POUVEZ DEBRIQUER AVEC UN E3 FLASHER et un dump de votre nand/nor.

Version pour CFW 3.55 : source cfwprpht : source : source tasks :
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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

Re: [PC]PS3MFW Builder v0.1: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar Attila » Mer 2 Mar 2011 22:19

j'ai rajouté les précisions concernant les clés.
Je les ai également fournies dans les pack mac et pc
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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

Re: [PC]PS3MFW Builder v0.1: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar mick711 » Sam 26 Mar 2011 12:58


C'est aujourd'hui que je m'inscrit sur le forum bien que j'ai déja suivi de très bon TUTO ici .

Aujourd'hui est sortie la v0.2 de PS3MFW Builder, et comme dans la news il est écrit que l'outils ps3tools doit être du 25 Mars 2011 minimum mais je coince un peu ^^

j'ai lu ce TUTO : tutoriaux-f44/jailbreaker-hacker-la-ps3-de-a-a-z-t1614.html donc je ne sais comment mettre a jours PS3tool, sachant que c'est par curiosité pour le moment car je suis encore avec une PS3 FAT 3.15 avec YellowDog 6.1 avec pour Jailbreak une X3MAX et un PIC18f avec le Payload XOEO .

Donc je souhaiterais faire un CFW 3.15 avec bien sur LV1 et LV2 patché et savoir si LV2Patcher fonctionne sur 3.15 ou alors BDEMU pour lancer des backups, enfin je n'ai pas vraiment suivi ces CFW étant donné que Linux ne tourne pas comme je le souhaiterais sous 3.55 .

Messages: 6
Inscription: Sam 26 Mar 2011 12:35

Re: [PC]PS3MFW Builder v0.1: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar Attila » Sam 26 Mar 2011 16:10

il faut que je compile la toute dernière version de ps3tools.
et je crois que ps3mfw est compatible 3.15.
lv2patcher tu n'en a pas besoin et bdemu je pense que c'est compatible.
Et si tu prend rogero manager je pense également que ça marchera
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Messages: 7572
Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

Re: [PC]PS3MFW Builder v0.2: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar mick711 » Dim 27 Mar 2011 08:51

Merci beaucoup de cette réponse rapide .
Je vais éssayé de lire quelques articles et TUTO pour connaitre d'avantage ce qu'il y a a faire, bien que le projet de Graf sur le dual boot va arriver a maturité .

Bon Week end
Messages: 6
Inscription: Sam 26 Mar 2011 12:35

Re: [PC]PS3MFW Builder v0.2 + taks 27/6/11: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar djcheuch33 » Jeu 25 Aoû 2011 10:55

bonjour je viens vers vous car j'essaye de telecharger ps3MFW mais cela ne me donne rien cordialement
Messages: 1
Inscription: Jeu 11 Aoû 2011 01:18

Re: [PC]PS3MFW Builder v0.2 + taks 27/6/11: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar Itachijiraya » Jeu 25 Aoû 2011 13:26

C'est à dire quelle version et ça fait quoi ?
Le téléchargement ne se lance pas, il y a un échec ...
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Messages: 616
Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 16:54

Re: [PC]PS3MFW Builder v0.2 + taks 27/6/11: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar Shamanshown » Mer 7 Sep 2011 07:12

Merci pour ce tuto tres bien fait, et les liens de tres bonne qualité, mais il y a une chose que vous devriez dire sur vos poste, c'est que sans inscription, les liens ne sont pas afficher.
En effect, sur internet explorer, il y a une ligne disant que les liens ne seront visible qu'apores une inscription, mais sous ff(firefox) rien n'est dis, donc on ne peux pas le savoir si on ne fait pas plus attention que ca. Voila, encore merci pour tout ;) :D
Messages: 7
Inscription: Mer 7 Sep 2011 07:05

Re: [PC]PS3MFW Builder v0.2 + tasks 27/6/11: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar Attila » Mer 7 Sep 2011 12:21

sur ie et FF j'ai le même message en étant délogué :
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Messages: 7572
Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

Re: [PC]PS3MFW Builder v0.2 + tasks 27/6/11: Créez votre CFW perso

Messagepar Itachijiraya » Mer 7 Sep 2011 12:58

Oui moi aussi.
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Messages: 616
Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 16:54


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