
[PC]Red Ribbon GNU/Linux LXDE 14.03 : Applications PC / MAC - PS3-Infos

[PC]Red Ribbon GNU/Linux LXDE 14.03   

Les applications pour PC ou MAC pour votre PS3

[PC]Red Ribbon GNU/Linux LXDE 14.03

Messagepar Attila » Dim 19 Juin 2011 13:24

imageRed Ribbon GNU/Linux est une distribution Linux basée sur Debian et optimisée pour fonctionner sur PS3 (via OtherOS, OtherOS++, BootOS).


Version LXDE 14.03
Kernel 3.12.6 with the Graf_chokolo's, Marcan's and Gitbrew's patches.
New version of the installer with some features added and some bugs fixed.
New version of the Red Ribbon theme.
Iceweasel (Firefox) updated to the 27 release.
Blueman is now the bluetooth manager.
Added the SMTube application to play videos from Youtube.

Release Candidate 7
* Kernel 3.7.1 with the Graf_chokolo’s, Marcan’s and Gitbrew’s patches.
* New version of the installer with some features added and some bugs fixed.
* New version of the Red Ribbon theme.
* Iceweasel (Firefox) updated to the 17 release.
* Asbestos and OtherOS now will use the same kernel.
* Kboot now will set the latest kernel as the default boot option.
* Added a new tool to configure the timeout on Petitboot.
* Added support for Playstation Eyetoy.
* Added GUVCview as the tool for capturing video from the webcam.
* Gnome-Player is now the media player.
* Added a new tool to configure the PS3′s video mode.
* Added support for NTFS.
* PulseAudio is now the sound server.
* Added a new volume control tool.

Release Candidate 6
Kernel 3.5.2 with the Graf_chokolo's, Marcan's and Gitbrew's patches.
New version of the installer with some features added and some bugs fixed.
The installer now supports the portuguese language.
Added a notification alert when the disk space is lower than 100 MB.
Kboot-setup now supports a config file.
New version of the Red Ribbon theme.
Added Gnome Users-admin as the user administration tool.
Iceweasel (Firefox) updated to the 14 release.
Added Gnome Time-admin as the date and time administration tool.
Added the kernel headers and the build tools.

Release Candidate 5
Fixed restart and shutdown problems.
Fixed repositories list needed for distribution.
Online updates available from the official distribution repositories.
Fixed hostname problem.
Added GFTP as FTP manager.
Added a keyboard configurator.
Fixed some problems with wireless connections on fat models.
Network-Manager-Gnome is now the default network manager.
Gnome-Bluetooth is now the default bluetooth manager.

Release Candidate 4
Correction d'un problème lors de l'installation de la RC3 pour copier les fichiers.
Correction d'un problème avec la connectivité Bluetooth.
Lshw que les périphériques d'affichage.
gparted et gestionnaire de partition.
Ajouté installateur dictionnaire français. Merci samprod67.

Release Candidate 3
L'anglais comme langue par défaut en mode LiveCD.
Sélection de la langue pour l'installation dans les médias de stockage.
Ajouté dictionnaire anglais et en espagnol à l'installateur.
Responsable de pré-configuré pour supporter les réseaux sans fil.

Voici les fonctionnalités de la distribution :
Swap (swap) main memory using the RSX.
Swap (swap) using a secondary partition on the storage media.
LXDE as the desktop.
Blueman Bluetooth as manager. Once started, lets you use the device after you sync, such as a Bluetooth keyboard.
WICD as network connection manager.
Pcmanfm as a file manager.
LXTerminal as a console interface.
LXMusic as audio file player.
Leafpad as a simple text editor.
Xarchiver as manager of archives.
GPicView as an image viewer.
MtPaint as a drawing tool.
ePDFView as PDF file viewer.
MPlayer media player.
Samba as a service for sharing files over a network. Lets you transfer files between the PC and the PS3 network using shared folders.
Xrdp as remote access server for RDP and VNC. Connects to the desktop of the PS3 from the PC using “Remote Desktop Connection” in Windows or VNC client, such as “UltraVNC”.
Remmina as remote access client for RDP and VNC. Connects to the PC from the PS3 if you have enabled “Remote Desktop” in Windows or have a RDP server.
SSH remote access server console.
Iceweasel (fork of Firefox) and Internet browser.
Synaptic package manager and installer in graphical mode.
Apt and Aptitude as package managers install in console mode.

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