
[PC]SDAT Creator : Applications PC / MAC - PS3-Infos

[PC]SDAT Creator   

Les applications pour PC ou MAC pour votre PS3

[PC]SDAT Creator

Messagepar Attila » Ven 16 Nov 2012 13:16

imageLe développeur oakhead69 nous livre une application pour PC permettant de créer des fichiers SDAT v3 depuis des données décryptées.
Des instructions sont incluses pour décrypter les SDAT V4 sur des firmwares 4.XX (en cfw).


- Vous devez d'abord décrypter le fichier original SDAT V4.
- Vous pouvez utiliser extttdpk par asmodean (voir le site)
- Vous avez besoin d'utiliser extttdpk sur une PS3 supérieure à 3.56, par exemple 4.21 (et un CFW).
- Une version compilée de l'outil est disponible ici
- Vous devez modifier le fichier decrsdat.lst avec la liste des SDAT à decrypter, par exemple :
Code: Tout sélectionner
# input_file output_file
/dev_hdd0/model_shader_pack.SDAT /dev_hdd0/model_shader_pack.dat

There is code available that can decode V3 SDATs on the PC, but we can not decode the V4 SDATs as we do not have the EDATKEY1 that has a SHA-1 of 6ECDFEC0A11890C1F2A689062D3EFE562317B2FB. Once we have this key V4 SDATscan be decrypted on a PC.

This program is also useful for modifying the contents of SDAT file for language conversions etc. I know that this has been requested by people in the past. Now we can do it.


Comment utiliser SDAT Creator

1) Provide the decrypted data as input to the SDAT creator.
2) Specify the output SDAT file.
3) Optionally provide the original V4 SDAT file and it will then use the hashes etc from this file otherwise it just uses some default values..
4) Press the 'Create SDAT' button and that's it.

The code I have provided is based on KDSBest's C# port of the Java code written by JuanNadie. Any keys used in the code are already publicly available on the internet.

Most of the information I used to create this program was gained from this post NPDRM Self algorithm.
Big thanks to JuanNadie, KDSBest and others that posted on this thread.

I have used it to create successful patches for
Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends (BLUS30842)
Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (BLES01686).

For Sports Champions 2.BCES01598 there are other issues with the EBOOT.BIN that I can not fix.
For Air Conflicts Pacific Carriers.BLES01604 the V3 SDAT files to not work even on 4.21. I think this is because they contain elf files and V3 SDATs do not support executable content.
Men.In.Black.Alien.Crisis.BLES01549. This should work but it has a 4gig+ sdat file, but I have tested my creator can handle files of this size.
Disney.Epic.Mickey.2.The.Power.of.Two I have noticed that this has sdat files but I have not had any time to look at them.

SDAT Creator.rar officiel :
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