
[EXPLOIT]ProgSkeet 1.21: Dump/flash de NAND et NOR : Exploit PS3 - PS3-Infos

[EXPLOIT]ProgSkeet 1.21: Dump/flash de NAND et NOR   

Les différents exploits utilisés sur PS3

[EXPLOIT]ProgSkeet 1.21: Dump/flash de NAND et NOR

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 28 Juil 2011 12:22

imageProgSkeet est une puce permettant de flasher/dumper les NAND, NOR ou tout autre mémoire non volatile, et est donc compatible avec les PS3, Wii, Xbox360 etc.
Retrouvez les schéma de câblage pour PS3 et Wii, un programme pour Windows et les drivers.

Image Image

Bitstream pour Progskeet 1.2 (v1.21): 130415_2058 (30/03/2013)
I've had plenty of complaints about "Dump CFI" and Samsung K8Q not working, these issues have been resolved by restoring the very original features from 1.1 (being only either NAND / NOR) and adding timeouts and improving metastability.

There is a new Winskeet coming that fixes the NAND B bug and increases writing speeds this evening. It's been observed that Samsung K8Q writes very fast on "Single Word / RDY triggered timing" when it is removed from the device but very slow when it is still in-circuit.

Bitstream pour Progskeet 1.2: 130330_1909 (30/03/2013)
- Correction des problèmes lors de l'écriture

Bitstream pour Progskeet 1.2 : 121106.2121 (06/11/2012)
- Amélioration de la vitesse de dump et d'écriture.

Bitstream pour Progskeet 1.2 121101.1223 (01/11/2012)
- there has been a problem with NAND where it would only recognize secondary nand (on both A and B), which has now been fixed
- switch is now inverted

Programme version 20/11/2011
- Flasher: New buffer handling.
- NOR: Added new timing options. Static timing will be configurable later.
- NOR: Added preset for Samsung K8P2716UZC-QI4D

Programme version 04/10/2011
- Ajout d'une version pour Linux et Mac.
- Ajout de la langue arabe.

Programme version 02/10/2011
- New Qt GUI implemented
- Linux and MacOS X support
- Added predefined and user presets
- Fixed ability to select invalid ranges
- Added a file patcher
- Flasher: Added support for canceling running operations
- Flasher: Added USB device reset
- Flasher: Added support for erasing as a stand-alone operation
- Flasher: Added cycle period selection, should help with longer cables
- Flasher: Added abort on error option
- Flasher: Reodered operations, full read, full erase, full write
- Flasher: Fixed bug with unreliable GPIO operation
- NOR: Added new write mode "Dual word program"
- NOR: Added display of total flash size
- NOR: Fixed flashing of the second half of Samsung K8Q2815UQB and likely other dual chip NORs
- NOR: Added erase block region configuration
- NOR: Added selection of number of bytes for buffered write
- NOR: Added support for Spansion S29GL128N90TFIR2
- NAND: Made custom ranges work
- NAND: Added Dual-NAND reading. Reads a block from two NANDs simultaneously, thereby doubling the speed.

Programme version 19/08/11
- NOR: verification is only done if "verify" is checked and only after it's done flashing
- NOR: added "ByteSwap" so you don't have to use any additional app to reverse the bytes - goes for dump and flash (for transplanet v1 but you can also use the unaltered version of norunpack this way)
- Logging: moved the log file to the application directory so you don't need admin rights

*) if you're using 16MByte SAMSUNG NOR, please use Sector Size: 4kB/ Sector Count: 4096 and check "alternate writing method".
*) Differential flash, if you haven't noticed yet, will skip unnecessary writes (compares data on chip vs data in file)

Programme version 110811
- NOR: Rewrote entire NOR driver. NAND is unmodified.
- NOR: Write-To-Buffer Programming method optimized (added timeout)
Note: not every device supports this. Please consult the datasheet if you are facing problems.
- NOR: Erase Sector optimized (added timeout)
- NOR: Forced verify and differential flash
- NOR: Can't enter values anymore, thanks to RAIDEN (if only some people could read...)

Note: Some NOR flash devices have bad sectors (usually just a few bytes, but enough for entire systems not to work). These will be reported in C:\ProgSkeet.log

If you have such a device (for example, I heard this happens with RSOD on PS3), you should relocate the sectors to somewhere else or replace the NOR flash device.

- NOR: Fixed fault in timeout of programming/erasing. Also increased it to 3.5seconds per line and per sector.

- NOR: Added wait on erase sector.

- Improved flashing speed

- Added "tries" for flashing. It is currently hard-coded to 5 tries.

Bitstream pour Progskeet 1.2 :

Programme pour flasher (Winskeet 40000) pour Windows :

Programme pour flasher (YASkeet 40000) pour Linux :

Programme pour flasher (iSkeet 40000) pour Mac OS X :


drivers_110726.rar officiel :
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Re: [EXPLOIT]ProgSkeet 02/10/2011: Dump/flash de NAND et NOR

Messagepar picsougrip » Lun 3 Oct 2011 15:53

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Re: [EXPLOIT]ProgSkeet 20/11/2011: Dump/flash de NAND et NOR

Messagepar helooth » Dim 15 Avr 2012 11:15

Cette petite plaque blanche ou bleue ,fait des miracles en hacKant tous les NORs dans n’importe quelle appareil et aussi les nands flash
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Messages: 189
Inscription: Ven 21 Jan 2011 16:00

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