
CFW Rogero 4.21 v1.09 : Hack de la PS3 - PS3-Infos

CFW Rogero 4.21 v1.09   

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CFW Rogero 4.21 v1.09

Messagepar opoisso893 » Ven 26 Oct 2012 22:27

Voici la dernière version du CFW 4.21 de Rogero :

v1.09 Details and Changes
- Compatibility problem with some Slim models (CECH-25xx) is now fully fixed.
- XMB Icons problem from in-game PS button is now fixed.
- Loading games from App_home Icon is now fixed.
- Many other fixes from version 1.00 for a better performance and added stability.
- It was tested by hundreds of testers on all PS3 models (FAT & Slim) and no problems were encountered.
- It can run games signed with Keys up to version 4.21 without any Eboot/Sprx patching needed
- Games can be loaded from Disc Icon (with Original game in BD) and from app_home (Disc-less, but not all games).
- Current 3.55 homebrew applications can’t be loaded on this CFW, applications must be re-signed properly for FW4.21.

MD5: e777351e788a7eb4007a2280abca7fbd

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Messages: 137
Inscription: Mar 5 Oct 2010 08:14

Re: CFW Rogero 4.21 v1.09

Messagepar Itachijiraya » Sam 27 Oct 2012 00:01

Merci, ça fait un moment quelle est prête (la news) mais fallait bien check le tout ^^
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Messages: 616
Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 16:54

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