
[HB]Cubicle Shooter City v0.1: FPS sur PS3 : Homebrews PS3 - PS3-Infos

[HB]Cubicle Shooter City v0.1: FPS sur PS3   

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[HB]Cubicle Shooter City v0.1: FPS sur PS3

Messagepar Attila » Mer 6 Juin 2012 09:19

imageThatotherdev nous sort aujourd'hui l'homebrew Cubicle Shooter City sur PS3, reprenant le générateur de ville de Hero City, et les modèles de persos de Cubicle Shooter.


Recycle today for a better tomorrow! Cubicle Shooter City is a top down dual stick shooter that uses the city generator I made for Hero City 2 and the character models from Cubicle Shooter. To be honest I’m not very happy with how it turned out. It performs poorly and I think it looks ugly. Does anyone want me to continue working on this? What would you like to see added or changed? There where a few things I was planning to do but now I think I’m most likely going to just abandon this.

in b4 someone gives me shit for making a new game and abandoning it to move on to other things instead of sinking 20 years of my life into perfecting its mediocrity.

CubicleShooterCity_v0.1.pkg.359.v0.1_brewology_com.pkg officiel :
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