
[HB]FCEU PS3 v1.4: Emulateur NES pour PS3 : Homebrews PS3 - PS3-Infos

[HB]FCEU PS3 v1.4: Emulateur NES pour PS3   

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[HB]FCEU PS3 v1.4: Emulateur NES pour PS3

Messagepar Attila » Lun 25 Oct 2010 12:46

imageVoici un autre émulateur pour la console nintendo NES: FCEU PS3.
Il s'agit d'un portage par shinhalsafar du célèbre émulateur.
Une version compatible avec le jailbreak (CFW) de Geohot ou Waninkoko / firmware 3.55 est disponible.


Version 1.4 rev 4424f
- Ajout du support de Multiman.
- 'Return to Multiman' now returns to multiMAN even if you start FCEU GX from the XMB instead of multiMAN

Version 1.4
PAL ROMs now run correctly – autodetection of PAL/NTSC for No-Intro set.
Automatic 576p PAL50/PAL60 switching.
Cheatfile (CHT) support.
Game Genie ROM support.
Added ‘Sprite Limitation’ option.
All paths (savestate directory/base directory/SRAM directory/default ROM directory) can now be changed.
RSound support.
Configurable controls.
Geohot 3.55 CFW build.

Version 1.3
Entre autre:
- Ajout de shaders. Baissez la résolution ou l'aspect ratio si jamais les performances ne sont pas bonnes (surtout en 1080p).
- Lisez le fichier changelog pour tous les changements.

Version 1.2
- Fixed analog pressing right in settings menu
- Now saves Controller Style to conf file as well
- Can now read and save from config file - fceu.conf. This will be part of our general framework now - currently saves the settings 'PS3Smooth' and 'PS3KeepAspect' - next step would be to save the controller type too and the savepaths (SRAM, ROM dir, etc)
- Brought settings screen up to date with that of SNES9x - press START on a given setting to set it back to default, sane setting - settings that are set to a default value are colored in green, settings that were changed from default are colored red; the text on the left that describes the setting is now colored yellow instead of the actual setting - better indicates which setting is selected; there is a global 'DEFAULT' setting that will change all the settings back to their default, sane values
- L2 + R2 return to game shortcut was not working properly because it used 'WasButtonPressed' instead of 'IsButtonPressed' as it was done properly in emulator_implementation.cpp; changed that to 'IsButtonPressed' for L2 + R2 shortcut in menu, and now the L2 + R2 shortcut button works properly again.
- header change
- can select state in game using right analog stick (right or left on it)
- sram support added (auto saves on fceu exit, exit to menu and hopefully if you hold powerbutton down to power off...)
- updated README and added CHANGELOG
- state saving working to USRDIR
- can state save and load from a single state save file using FCEU API none the less
- new controller style (original and better). see settings window
- zip support! only single file zip :(

Version 1.1
- Version 3.41 et version 1.92.
- state saving working to USRDIR
- can state save and load from a single state save file using FCEU API none the less
- new controller style (original and better). see settings window
- zip support! only single file zip
- Some slight adjustment to audio code.

Version 1
- Compatible 3.41 seulement.

Menu liste des ROMS
Haut - monter
Bas - descendre
Gauche - remonter de 5 entrées
Droite - descendre de 5 entrées
L1 - revenir une page en arrière
R1 - avancer d'une page
Croix - entrée dans un dossier / lancé une ROM
Triangle - idem que croixSame as Cross
Cercle - retour au dossier parent
L2 + R2 - (si vous avez précédemment quitté une rom) retour au jeu
Select - Menu paramètres

Menu paramètres
Haut - monter
Bas - descendre
Gauche - Changer paramètre sur la gauche.
Droite - Changer paramètre sur la droite.
Cercle - Retour au menu rom.

Contrôles durant le jeu
R3 + L3 - retour au menu rom.

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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

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