
[HB]PL3 File Permissions Fix pour CFW Kmeaw : Homebrews PS3 - PS3-Infos

[HB]PL3 File Permissions Fix pour CFW Kmeaw   

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[HB]PL3 File Permissions Fix pour CFW Kmeaw

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 20 Jan 2011 14:03

imagePour ceux qui ont installé le CFW de Kmeaw, voici un correctif des permissions pour le payload PL3 d'un bug qui causait des gels lors de lancement de jeux sur le disque dur interne.


Vous devrez lancer cette application après chaque installation de jeu sur le disque dur pour corriger les permissions des fichiers.
Si vous installez 5 jeux d'un coup, vous pouvez lancer l'application qu'après les 5 jeux.

It seems that alot of folks are having issues installing and running backups on there Ps3′s due to the bug in PL3 that effects file permissions. Here is what I have been doing to get around the black screen hangs and disc read errors.

1. fire up multiman, blackb0x, whatever ftp & transfer your backup
2. run your lv2 pkg of choice
3. run the fix permissions app that is installed from running the package located here –

The app will go through the HD and correct the file permission errors that come with using PL3. I have been using this method after each game backup I install,
however if you install (ftp/copy) 5 at a time the app only needs to be run once and it will fix all 5 games as it does its magic to the entire drive.
Now as far as USB, hampster driven HD’s etc I can not say as I do not have any of the above so I have not tested it myself. :
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