
[HB]PS Seismograph v0.3.0 : Détectez les tremblements de terre avec la PS3 : Homebrews PS3 - PS3-Infos

[HB]PS Seismograph v0.3.0 : Détectez les tremblements de terre avec la PS3   

Les differents Homebrew pour votre PS3

[HB]PS Seismograph v0.3.0 : Détectez les tremblements de terre avec la PS3

Messagepar Attila » Mar 20 Mar 2012 13:41

imagePS Seismograph est un projet non scientifique de sismographe par deroad,utilisant les fonctionnalités gyroscopiques de la manette pour détecter les tremblements de terre.
Attention, les données sont uniquement à but d'amusement et ne sont pas à prendre au sérieux.

L'homebrew a été codé avec NoRSX et est optimisé pour les télévisions en 1920*1080.

Version 0.3.0
I have updated again my PS Seismograph to version 0.3.0!
It has PS Move Support, PS Pad Support (as the older versions).
Now you can save the data and analyze it (sometimes it freeze for a few secs).
It has some How To images and Warning screen if the PS Eye is not connected.

Version 0.2.9
Ingame XMB Bug Fully fixed! now it works very very well!
Added ExitSignalStatus() that returns NO_SIGNAL ( = 0) and EXIT_SIGNAL ( = 1) to check if the use pressed exit game on the XMB menu.

Version 0.2.2
Added Image Resize Algorithm ( Thanks to: )

Version 0.2.1
Added new Message Dialog functions:
Single Progress Bar.
Double Progress Bar
Dialog with timer.
Error Dialog with timer.
Performance Patches for:
bitmap rendering.
image rendering.
Implemented print function. now is a class.

Version 0.2.0
Text rendering improved with performance test
Fixed XMB Flip. Now is much more better.
Added Printf functions.
just initialize it: init_print(path_to_directory);
write something to file: print("Hello World!\n");
close the file: end_print();
Added XMB Status
Performance Patches for Font functions

Version 0.1.9
Added Cross, Triangle and Square Buttons on the screen
Added Triangle button to allow people to see only a graph (if you press it 4 times it will show again everything)
Added Square button to show the Max Gravity Accelleration of each axis (remind that G = 9.81 m/s^2)
Changed the FPS text to the sampling period (it will be shown as centi-seconds)
Added better buttons control.
Added PIC1.PNG
Changed ICON0.PNG

PS Seismograph source : officiel :
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