
[HB]ps3vnc 1.0 : VNC viewer pour PS3 : Homebrews PS3 - PS3-Infos

[HB]ps3vnc 1.0 : VNC viewer pour PS3   

Les differents Homebrew pour votre PS3

[HB]ps3vnc 1.0 : VNC viewer pour PS3

Messagepar Attila » Dim 17 Mar 2013 21:33

imagenicogrx diffuse cet homebrew qui est en fait un visionneur VNC, permettant ainsi de prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur à distance via VNC.


Apparemment ça ne marche plutôt lentement avec Windows, et mieux avec ubuntu.

A very basic vnc viewer for the ps3.

Did that stuff 2 years ago for my personal usage and i finally decided to share it. Works fine when connected to my ubuntu box running vnc4server.
It run slower when connected to a windows 7 machine. Do not ask me why

Only 32bpp mode is supported with hextile, rre, copyrect & raw rfb encodings. There are probably many things to improve in the code to get it running faster but i have no time to spend on that right now. I might release the code on github if somebody request it.

Use a usb mouse & keyboard for a better experience.
Of course, it is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind.

PS: Thanks to the great guys that brought the psl1ght toolchain and the SDL porting to the open community.

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