
[HB]The Untitled Project v0.3: Démo d'un RPG en 3D : Homebrews PS3 - PS3-Infos

[HB]The Untitled Project v0.3: Démo d'un RPG en 3D   

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[HB]The Untitled Project v0.3: Démo d'un RPG en 3D

Messagepar Attila » Ven 21 Jan 2011 11:55

imageThe Untitled Project est un projet / démo de jeu RPG en 3D pour la PS3.
L'auteur est ThatOtherDev qui est l'auteur de nombreux homebrews.

Version 0.3
The city is significantly larger. Its actually at a size now that I’d consider appropriate for an open world game.
The city is now an island.
The mini map has been greatly improved and now moves and rotates and shows your position.
Some buildings now have stairs connecting their top floor to the roof.
There are tons of billboards and other bits of what will be signage protruding from the buildings.
There are trash cans placed around the city.
The catacombs beneath the city have fewer walls (which results in more open areas) and now have added tunnels/doors connecting areas.
The number of collectibles has been increased from 500 or 1000.
The tiles that comprise the game world now each have their own unique textures.
You can now edit the world from within the game.
You can now save anywhere at any time.

Game saves from v0.2 will be disregarded. Its unfortunate but game saves will continue to be deprecated and disregarded for the near future. As the game drastically changes and improves the saves it uses change with it and it would involve a lot of work to enable to game to adapt old game saves. Its not really worth the amount of time involved
when the game is this early in development.

Version 0.2
The world is slightly larger.
There are 500 somethings scattered around for you to collect.
The game now saves everything the first time you start it up and again any time that you find one of the collectibles.
It loads that save file when you return to the game.
Every building now has at minimum one door on the ground floor.
Every building now has an elevator.
There are now skywalks connecting even buildings that are immediately next to each other.
There is a mini map of the city (it doesn’t rotate or zoom or show your position on it or do anything like that yet).
There is a ghost mode added for testing purposes in which you can fly forward with collision detection and gravity turned off (press down to enable/disable it).

I think that is everything aside from some less noticeable tweaks (turning is faster for example and sewer manholes are slightly wider and I removed some unnecessary polygons from the walls).

I haven’t been posting as much lately but here is something new I’ve been working on. I know I start too many new things but new is interesting and I assure you that I will eventually be going back and updating That Other Space Shooter, Neo Race, Cubicle Shooter, Neo Tanks and all my other stuff. I’ve actually already made a few improvements to That Other Space Shooter and I’ll probably post that sometime soon.

The Untitled Project is (or will be) a sandbox (massive and open ended streaming city) science fiction (think cyberpunk not space opera) RPG.

The setting and a few other things are different but it is in a way a spiritual successor to what The world Drowns would have been. This time around though I’m just doing all the art assets myself.

Use the left analog stick to move
right analog stick to move
X to jump
left/right on the directional pad to turn on/off a test texture
up/downt on the directional pad to increase/decrease the draw distance

The demo will occasionally freeze when loading. I know why it does this and will be correcting it soon.

Pour CFW 3.55:
The Untitled Project v0.2

Pour firmware 3.41:
The Untitled Project v0.2 officiel :
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