
[HB]True Blue ELF Dumper v2: Craquez les eboot True Blue : Homebrews PS3 - PS3-Infos

[HB]True Blue ELF Dumper v2: Craquez les eboot True Blue   

Les differents Homebrew pour votre PS3

[HB]True Blue ELF Dumper v2: Craquez les eboot True Blue

Messagepar Attila » Lun 27 Aoû 2012 18:40

imageTrue Blue ELF Dumper c'est un homebrew par Shadoxi et modifié par DeanK permettant de craquer les fichiers EBOOT.BIN provenant des patchs True Blue.
Bien entendu, vous aurez besoin du True Blue.


- Enable dev_blind with multiman
- copy libsysutil_np_trophy.sprx from /dev_blind/sys/external/external to dev_hdd0/ and rename it "orignal_libsysutil_np_trophy.sprx"
- copy my modified "libsysutil_np_trophy.sprx" to /dev_blind/sys/external/
- load a True blue game from multiman
- exit multiman
- run your game
- wait few minutes (if you get black screen after 3 minutes reboot ps3)
- exit game
- go to ftp
- in dev_hdd0/ there are your decrypted DUMPEDBOOT.bin
- copy and rename it with another name.


Two ways:
- You could uninstall this patch by replacing modified libsysutil_np_trophy.sprx by orginal libsysutil_np_trophy.sprx
- Or update in recovery mode

np_trp_prx.rar officiel :
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