
[NEWS]4.65 DARKNET CEX v1.01 by Joonie : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]4.65 DARKNET CEX v1.01 by Joonie   

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[NEWS]4.65 DARKNET CEX v1.01 by Joonie

Messagepar orwel » Dim 28 Sep 2014 15:00

imageVoici un CFW basé sur le custom firmware DARKNET CEX 4.65 v1.02 FINAL FIX. Joonie y a ajouté les fonctions Cobra 7, ainsi que diverses améliorations (stabilité, compatibilité avec les jeux psp, etc.). Contrairement aux autres dev's, Joonie met également son code source à disposition.
Comme les autres, vous ne pouvez pas l'installer sur un OFW 4.65, il est juste basé sur ce firmware. Attention, ce CFW utilise le Cobra 7. Pensez à utiliser des homebrews compatibles (comme mmCM par exemple).


4.65 DARKNET CEX v1.01 [COBRA EDITION] by Joonie


1. Properly built from OFW 4.65
3. ReactPSN compatiblity
4. Patched LV0 to disable ECDSA check of CoreOS
5. Patched LV2 to add PEEK/POKE
6. Patched LV1 to disable LV2 Protection
7. Patched LV1 to add PEEK/ POKE
8. Games signed with keys up to 4.65 Supported
9. Can be updated over ANY CFW.
10. Can be updated over 3.55 OFW
11. RSOD bypass [Installation only]
12. ReactPSN Offline patch added
13. PSP Remaster / Minis supported added
14. QA FLAG Enabled by Default if it was previously applied
15. Enhanced Remote play with PC
16. Cinavia Protection Fully Disabled [Special Thanks to Habib]
17. COBRA 7.00 Feature Added
18. Toggle Cobra is supported by IRISMAN/GAMESONIC/WebMAN
19. Habib's anti-ode fix is applied in lv2kernel that fixes the issue with launching games when bootdisc is inserted.
20. In Screen game shot supported

- Only minimal sprx patches are applied since those are obsolete because those were already pre-applied when CFW was built. This will minimize usage of LV2 Kernel memory which its temperature decrease is expected. No more XMB spinning bug, so no need Showtime installation to fix that issue.
- PSP ISO compatibility may have been decreased, from my test results its compatibility is not as good as previous Cobra build, and However, PSP Remastered/Minis PKG won't have this problem. This is only ISO compatibility, currently investigating the issue, this will be improved from next build.
- PS2 ISO compatibility : BC/Semi BC consoles are supported, but it has a little glitch bug where you cannot see anything when pressing PS Button, however you can still quit games still, just use D-PAD to select the quit game then exits to xmb. And Wireless connectivity is also supported. Since BC/Semi BC console use the same ps2 emu for both ISO/PS2Classic. You can use save files for both mode, but Non-BC console will have to use different save files per mode.
Non-BC consoles : Wired controller is supported at the moment, and special thanks to @smhabib for his tip for patching ps2_netemu.self properly.


Version 1.01 (24/09/2014)
1. PS2 EMU swap with original files supported [For wireless connectivity on non-bc consoles via PS2Classic method]
2. PSP ISO compatibility is improved by using old 4.55 PSP Emulator. PSP ISO Compatibility is now equal to the previous Cobra CFW builds. [4.46/4.53/4.55]
3. Improved system stability with fixed lv2 function offsets, however it did not seem to have issues on previous build, although some reported that 1.01 solved their random crash issues with certain homebrew.

Version 1.00 (15/09/2014)
1. COBRA 7.00 Feature Added
2. Toggle Cobra is supported by IRISMAN/GAMESONIC/WebMAN
3. Habib's anti-ode fix is applied in lv2kernel that fixes the issue with launching games when bootdisc is inserted. [Special thanks to @smhabib for his awesome work
4. Trophy patches from 1.02 FINAL FIX are removed to prevent potential issues.

télécharger Télécharger 4.65 DARKNET CEX v1.01 [COBRA EDITION] by Joonie officiel :
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Inscription: Jeu 9 Sep 2010 13:06

Re: [NEWS]4.65 DARKNET CEX v1.01 by Joonie

Messagepar crash251 » Lun 29 Sep 2014 11:40

Merci pour cette news

très bon CFW au passage , testé approuvé sur CECHL04 et CECH2004.

passe nickel avec IrisManager
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Inscription: Ven 17 Sep 2010 13:53

Re: [NEWS]4.65 DARKNET CEX v1.01 by Joonie

Messagepar orwel » Lun 29 Sep 2014 19:04

c'est pour çà que je l'ai "newsé", il le mérite :)
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Messages: 437
Inscription: Jeu 9 Sep 2010 13:06

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