
[NEWS]Cobra MCU 2.1, Cobra ODE Bypass 455 (Swap disc) v1.2 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Cobra MCU 2.1, Cobra ODE Bypass 455 (Swap disc) v1.2   

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[NEWS]Cobra MCU 2.1, Cobra ODE Bypass 455 (Swap disc) v1.2

Messagepar Attila » Lun 23 Juin 2014 15:44

imagePour ceux qui ont déjà réussi à se procurer un Cobra Ode pour se jailbreaker sa PS3 pas compatible avec les E3 Flasher, voici les différents outils pour utiliser votre Cobra ODE pour jailbreaker TOUTES LES PS3, même les ultra slim !
Y compris, un Multiman modifié pour être compatible Cobra ODE.


Cobra ODE Bypass 455 (Swap disc) v1.2
Fixed a bug in 1.1 which would only generate 150mb swap disc instead of the 5gb swap disc.
The EBOOT folder has also been updated, now with 5760 total eboot files.

Cobra MCU (Firmware) 2.1
Firstly we're updating the firmware to Improve stability and performance as well as fix bypass method not working for some PS3 models and we have made the Cobra browser the default game manager as well as displaying the firmware version in the browser and added new configuration options.

We haven now updated the bypass tools, the genps3swapdisc tool will now be able to update an existing swap disc when new eboots are added to it and previously converted isos will not need to be re-converted for the new swap disc. The EBOOT folder has also been updated, now with 5760 total eboots files.

The database has also been updated, and The user manual has now been updated illustrating new config options.
A small number of 5.1B early production boards had a manufacturing issue which caused them to corrupt data and the PS3 would show an error when trying to run games.

We are releasing an update specifically for those boards which have issues and which should fix the problem, although we cannot guarantee every board will be fixed by the update. We recommend anyone with a defective board to return it for replacement after making sure the issue they are experiencing is caused by a defective board.

If the normal 2.1 firmware does not work for you and you get error 80010017 or 80010007 in the XMB, but the error disappears after you use the special 2.1 firmware for defective boards, then your board has the defect and you can request a replacement.

télécharger Télécharger Cobra MCU 2.1, GenPS3iso v2.4 et GenPS3extra v1.3 : Outils pour Cobra Ode officiel :
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