
[NEWS]Des nouvelles de RPCS3, l'émulateur PS3 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Des nouvelles de RPCS3, l'émulateur PS3   

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[NEWS]Des nouvelles de RPCS3, l'émulateur PS3

Messagepar Attila » Sam 23 Fév 2013 14:28

imageCela fait un moment que RPCS3, l'émulateur PS3 (peu fonctionnel pour l'instant) a été commencé, et il n'est toujours pas possible de lancer de jeu. KDSbest a jeté un coup d'oeil et a trouvé des améliorations possibles au niveau performances ...

Selon KDSBest, le code de l'émulateur est bien structuré, le seul problème c'est qu'il est mal optimisé, ce qui fait que c'est un mauvais émulateur.
Selon lui, les performances peuvent être améliorées de plusieurs fois. Le décodeur est bien fait mais n'est pas à ses limites maximales.

Pour encore améliorer ces performances, il travaille sur un recompileur qui permet d'avoir une rapidité d’exécution bien plus élevée, sauf que c'est un travail bien trop complexe pour une seule personne. Il va donc fournir le fruit de ses recherches à l'équipe RPCS3 pour qu'ils continuent le travail.

Il compte montrer son travail au prochain CCC ou à un autre congrès.

I took a deep look at the #RPCS3 emulator especialy the ppu emulation. It is possible to increase the performance alot. Since my time is big money I try to get some PoC stuff out. IMHO the performance can be increased by a multiple times. Starting with the decoder which is nicely writter TBH but not tweaked to the performance limit. Building a big switch case is just the wrong way.

Don’t get me wrong they made a nice piece of software, but the lack of performance tweaking makes it a bad emulator. Instead of making things look nice they should focus more on pushing the performance to the limit. Look at Dolphine code it is plain ugly to use, but for the performance sake.

I work on a recompiler, which TBH i never expect to be full featured on my work alone. This is way to much to handle for one person, but it should give #RPCS3 people a well knowledge what can be increased.

First of all I try to show the improvements to the decoder, which will be sick.

The thing is this, the decoder does alot of stuff which can be done at load time. Loading at startup is not interesting. The performance while it emulates is crucial.

Second I always said it and I still need to say it again. Building a recompiler is not much harder than emulating the stuff like they do but the performance increase will be insane. I looked alot at recompiler codes lately to get a brief understanding how they work and it is doable for the PS3. I hope #RPCS3 guys will take my help instead of claiming false that their way is faster and reconstruct their emulator. Of course I want to get credit than, because this will be work not much people on this planet can do.

To the decoder using binary search algorithms is way faster than doing the big switch case.

If I manage to make this work I will try to give a presentation on CCC Congress or other congress that let me show this stuff since IMHO it is technically more interesting than what most of those congresses show. : :
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