
[NEWS]Des nouvelles sur le retour de Linux / Asbestos : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Des nouvelles sur le retour de Linux / Asbestos   

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[NEWS]Des nouvelles sur le retour de Linux / Asbestos

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 27 Jan 2011 13:20

imageKaKaRoTo a été interviewé au sujet d'Asbestos qui est le remplaçant de OtherOS, autrement dit Linux pour PS3. Pour ceux qui attendent le retour de linux sur leur PS3, sachez que ça avance, comme le montre les propos de KaKaRoTo.


Voici la partie de l'interview qui parle de Linux et du fait qu'il faut encore être sur qu'aucun brick ne sera causé, du fait des différentes versions de PS3 :
Interviewer: Why could be the reason we haven’t heard of any “Custom Firmware” allowing Linux installation? Or it just impossible to make with today tools?

KaKaRoTo: No, it’s perfectly possible to make. The Fail0verflow team already demonstrated Linux running on a PS3 Slim natively. However, it’s not yet ready, because there are a lot of differences between the GameOS system and the OtherOS system, so there are a few things that need to be fixed in the Linux kernel before it becomes usable again.

Some of the members of the Fail0verflow team are currently working on that, and I think that, considering their skills, everybody is waiting patiently for them to finish their work, instead of duplicating the effort. Once it is working correctly, and there are virtually no risks of bricking the machine, then it will be released by the people responsible.

Interviewer: Could be possible to surpass the hardware limitations Linux had before thanks to the Jailbreaking?

KaKaRoTo: Yes, definitely. By installing Linux as an “approved firmware”, it means that Linux will now run under GameOS priviledges, giving it full access to the hardware, all SPUs [of CELL processor] are available, the graphics card is available, etc…

Here, GameOS could be replaced by OtherOS and gain the same privileges and confidence.

There will be no more limitations because the hypervisor [the "security" intermediary among all the real hardware and the software] is ‘trusting’ Linux now.

Interviewer: If Linux turns out to be a better OS for the PS3, nothing stops a developer to “port” current homebrew applications to the new system? Or more “heavy” software running fine like a normal desktop PC?

KaKaRoTo: Yes, there is nothing stopping us anymore, There will soon be a Linux firmware for the PS3, and then any application that runs on Linux can be ported to work on the PS3. We could also start seeing custom firmware XMB [the "visible" part of GameOS] running with a Linux backend.

Retrouvez l'interview complète à l'adresse suivante: ... terview/5/ :
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Re: [NEWS]Des nouvelles sur le retour de Linux / Asbestos

Messagepar gogeta62 » Jeu 27 Jan 2011 15:07

Salut, petite question :)
que fait linux de spécial :P merci.
Messages: 19
Inscription: Lun 27 Sep 2010 19:48
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Re: [NEWS]Des nouvelles sur le retour de Linux / Asbestos

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 27 Jan 2011 16:08

c'est un os, ça permet de lancer tous les jeux linux, tous les lecteurs vidéos etc
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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

Re: [NEWS]Des nouvelles sur le retour de Linux / Asbestos

Messagepar cleroux » Jeu 27 Jan 2011 16:38

C'est un OS, sur ta P3, pour l'utiliser comme un PC qui roulerait sous linux...
Messages: 5
Inscription: Mer 1 Déc 2010 15:49

Re: [NEWS]Des nouvelles sur le retour de Linux / Asbestos

Messagepar gogeta62 » Ven 28 Jan 2011 11:17

ok merci
Messages: 19
Inscription: Lun 27 Sep 2010 19:48
Localisation: arras (62)

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