
[NEWS]Disc Key Dumper et Klicensee Dumper : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Disc Key Dumper et Klicensee Dumper   

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[NEWS]Disc Key Dumper et Klicensee Dumper

Messagepar Attila » Dim 7 Oct 2012 18:51

imageflat_z nous livre 2 outils, Disc Key Dumper et Klicensee Dumper, qui servent à dumper des clés spécifiques à chaque jeu.

La klicense sert à décrypter les fichiers self/sprx fournis avec les jeux. Généralement on brute forcait la clé en cherchant dans le EBOOT.BIN du jeu, mais maintenant la technique sera plus sure et plus rapide. Une fois le klicense trouvé, vous pouvez utiliser mes outils pour décrypter les fichiers self/sprx.

Klicensee Dumper

A klicensee is specified by developer of the game.
Usually it is stored in EBOOT.ELF and you can find it in a disassembler or by brute forcing a key along with a NPD header.
But in some cases this key is not stored in a plaintext format and can be annoying to analyze a game's executable.
That's why I had created this dumper.

- 3.55 CFW (e.g. Kmeaw)
- MultiMAN or original dev_blind application and FTP client

1. Install `Data Dumper` (data_dumper.pkg) if you didn't installed it before.
It is a homebrew application to dump a data from some LV2 memory to a file: /dev_hdd0/tmp/dumps.bin
A data which stored there is written by dumper loaders, e.g. by Klicensee Dumper.

2. Install `Klicensee Dumper Loader` (klicensee_dumper_loader.pkg).
It stores a file path to self/sprx/edat and a klicensee key if it is specified.

3. Now you need to replace original `libsysutil_np.sprx`. I use a dev_blind feature from MultiMAN, you can use any other way. Don't forget to backup original file.

4. Reboot a console to clear a data storage in LV2 memory.

5. Now you need to start `Klicensee Dumper Loader`, then start your game.

6. After exiting from the game you need to run `Data Dumper`, you will hear some beeps.

7. Then run any FTP client (e.g. builtin in MultiMAN) and download dumped klicensee keys from /dev_hdd0/tmp/dumps.bin.

8. Restore an original `libsysutil_np.sprx` using the same method as at step 3.

Disc Key Dumper

- 3.55 CFW (e.g. Kmeaw)
- MultiMAN or original dev_blind application and FTP client

1. Install `Data Dumper` (data_dumper.pkg) if you didn't installed it before.
It is a homebrew application to dump a data from some LV2 memory to a file: /dev_hdd0/tmp/dumps.bin
A data which stored there is written by dumper loaders, e.g. by Disc Key Dumper.

2. Install `Disc Key Dumper Loader` (disc_key_dumper_loader.pkg).
It stores a disc key if your game is not a PSN/SEN game.

3. Reboot a console to clear a data storage in LV2 memory.

4. Now you need to start `Disc Key Dumper Loader`, then start your game.

5. After exiting from the game you need to run `Data Dumper`, you will hear some beeps.

6. Then run any FTP client (e.g. builtin in MultiMAN) and download a dumped disc key from /dev_hdd0/tmp/dumps.bin.

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Re: [NEWS]Disc Key Dumper et Klicensee Dumper

Messagepar sadinio » Sam 13 Oct 2012 09:49


donc on peut décrypter la clé d'un jeu en 4.21, puis modifier son EBOOT pour une compatibilité en 3.55 kmeaw ?

je suis novice...
Messages: 14
Inscription: Sam 28 Juil 2012 09:17

Re: [NEWS]Disc Key Dumper et Klicensee Dumper

Messagepar Attila » Lun 15 Oct 2012 11:14

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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

Re: [NEWS]Disc Key Dumper et Klicensee Dumper

Messagepar sadinio » Mer 17 Oct 2012 20:32

merci de ta réponse..... ;)
Messages: 14
Inscription: Sam 28 Juil 2012 09:17

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