
[NEWS]E3 Ode OS 2.12 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]E3 Ode OS 2.12   

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[NEWS]E3 Ode OS 2.12

Messagepar Attila » Mar 6 Mai 2014 22:08

imageLa team E3 met à jour son ODE pour divers changements.

L'anglais est très approximatif, difficile de comprendre ...

E3 Os 2.12
1: Increase the folder format than 4G file support. To further improve the folder format game support.
2: Adding a special format keys file support, users only need to copy the keys.db file to the hard disk root directory.
At the same time, the one key install unofficial PKG software v1.2 released, user press joypad to install multiple unofficial PKG file.
Also released an official proposal E3 ODE PRO motherboard installation. This way you can effectively avoid the motherboard deformation caused by improper installation , thereby damaging the E3 ODE PRO motherboard drawbacks.
E3TEAM still make every effort to study better ways to bypass 4K 4.55 . We have invested enormous human and material resources ,and hope that we have the luck to get what we need .

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