
[NEWS][MAJ]Geohot, en fuite en Amérique du sud ? : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS][MAJ]Geohot, en fuite en Amérique du sud ?   

Les news du Hack PS3 postées sur PS3 Infos

[NEWS][MAJ]Geohot, en fuite en Amérique du sud ?

Messagepar Attila » Mer 23 Mar 2011 14:36

imageSi l'on en croit la rumeur, Geohot (qui est en procès contre Sony), se serait enfui en Amérique du Sud afin de ne pas devoir fournir à Sony tout son matériel.
De plus, son affirmation sur le fait de ne pas posséder de compte PSN ne serait en fait qu'un mensonge.

Though the evidence establishing personal jurisdiction is already overwhelming, SCEA has little doubt that there is much more. However, over the last several weeks. Hotz has engaged in a campaign to thwart jurisdictional discovery at every turn –regardless of whether the Court has ordered such discovery or not. Most seriously, after Magistrate Judge Spero ordered an inspection of Hotz’s devices and ordered Hotz to appear at a deposition in California, SCEA learned that Hotz had deliberately removed integral components of his impounded hard drives prior to delivering them to a third party neutral and that Hotz is now in South America, an excuse for why he will not immediately provide the components of his hard drives as requested by the neutral. Hotz’s attempts to dodge this Court’s authority raise very serious questions.

Geohot est ainsi accusé d'avoir démonté des composants de son disque dur et de s'être enfui en amérique du sud, comme excuse sur le fait de ne pas pouvoir envoyer le reste du disque dur.

On January 12, 2011, Hotz submitted a declaration to the Court (Docket No. 19-1) in which he made unequivocal statements on a number of topics. However, when it came to discussing the PSN account, Hotz equivocated, stating: “To the best of my knowledge and belief, I do not have a PlayStation Network account.” Hotz also provided interrogatory responses that he has refused to verify, stating that he has not accessed the PSN. Bricker Decl. ¶4.Hotz identified four PS3 Systems in his possession. Bricker Decl., ¶4, Exh. C. He explained that he had purchased one of these consoles new in February 2010 and provided the serial number for that console. Id. SCEA used that serial number to determine that on February 25, 2010, Hotz purchased the PS3 System at a Gamestop store just miles from his home. Law Decl., ¶6; Bricker Decl., ¶6, Exh. E. SCEA’s records show that the same PS3 System was used on March 10, 2010 to create a PSN account under the user name “blickmanic.” Law Decl., ¶6, Exh. A. The IP address associated with the registration is located in Glen Rock, New Jersey, where Hotz lives.

Le 12 Janvier 2011, Geohot a affirmé ne pas avoir de compte PSN. Cependant, en utilisant le numéro de la console de Geohot, Sony a pu découvrir que le 25 Fevrier 2010, celui-ci a acheté sa console et le 10 Mars, a procédé à l'enregistrement d'un compte PSN sous le nom "blickmanic". L'adresse IP de ce compte est localisée à Glen Rock, New Jersey, adresse de Geohot.

Hotz’s ownership of the “blickmanic” account is further supported by the fact that an Internet search of the user name “blickmanic” reveals a posting discussing the jailbreaking of cellular phones – Hotz’s original “claim to fame.” Bricker Decl., ¶7, Exh. F (“Just curious what people would pay for exclusive rights to this solution. [Motorola] Tracfone W175g unlocked and debranded. PM me.”) As discussed above, to create his PSN account, Hotz was required to first agree to the terms of the PSN User Agreement and thus he is clearly subject to personal jurisdiction in California. It is well established that a valid and enforceable forum selection clause operates as consent to personal jurisdiction in a designated forum.

En recherchant le pseudonyme blickmanic sur internet, il a été découvert une discussion à propos du jailbreak de téléphone, domaine dans lequel Geohot travaille également, ce qui confirme le fait que ce soit son compte.

MAJ: Droit de réponse de Geohot qui répond sur son blog qu'en fait il est bien en amérique du sud mais pour des raisons de vacances (prévues depuis novembre) et que ce n'est pas pour s'enfuir qu'il est là bas. Il n'a pas utilisé l'argent des dons pour payer ses vacances.
Apparently, I have fled the country. ROFL

Factually, it's true I'm in South America, on a vacation I've had planned and paid for since November. I mean, it is Spring break; hacking isn't my life. Rest assured that not a dime of legal defense money would ever go toward something like this. And of course Townsend loves the idea of painting me as an international fugitive. I have been in contact with my lawyers almost every day; I would not let the case suffer. That said, I also won't let this ridiculous lawsuit run my life either. Then the fearmongerers win. :
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Re: [NEWS][MAJ]Geohot, en fuite en Amérique du sud ?

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 24 Mar 2011 01:41

news mise à jour avec la réponse de geohot
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