
[NEWS]Graf_chokolo risque la prison : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Graf_chokolo risque la prison   

Les news du Hack PS3 postées sur PS3 Infos

[NEWS]Graf_chokolo risque la prison

Messagepar Attila » Sam 18 Juin 2011 13:27

imageFaute de moyens pour continuer sa défense contre Sony, Graf_chokolo pense qu'il va sûrement aller en prison ...
Il garde cependant toujours son moral d'acier.

Voici le message posté sur son blog :
Hi guys, no money left anymore. Going to jail soon probably because i cannot pay court costs.
But i’m ready to stand up for everything i said and go to jail for that too. It’s not important to win, more important is to show them that we are ready to fight, that they cannot scare me off easily. Yeah, i’m ready to go to jail for my believes and my principles.
Most of people probably think that all computer and kernel hackers are weak kids, hiding in a cellar, eating pizza whole day, writing software and looking for attention :-) Maybe, but that’s NOT me. And i will get out eventually and continue my work. My work means very much to me.

Si vous voulez l'aider financièrement, vous pouvez trouver ses coordonnées bancaires ici : :
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