
[NEWS]Iris Manager 1.53: Manager basé sur HManager : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Iris Manager 1.53: Manager basé sur HManager   

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[NEWS]Iris Manager 1.53: Manager basé sur HManager

Messagepar Itachijiraya » Dim 27 Jan 2013 00:38

imageUne nouvelle mise à jour pour iris Manager cette dernière apporte quelques corrections de bugs et diverses améliorations.

Version 1.52
- Added check size when copying games (for the HDD if it is greater than the size + 1GB, aborts, in the case of USB if it is greater than the size + 1MB gives the possibility to abort).
- Added the default BD-Emu not mount the HDD: now you have two options, new and old, with a touch more later.
- Some parts of the code have been retouched, if influence random crashes when starting the program.
- The patch tools have been unified in the same zip file.

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Re: [NEWS]Iris Manager 1.53: Manager basé sur HManager

Messagepar Attila » Dim 27 Jan 2013 00:53

on est même en version 1.53
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