
[NEWS]Iris Manager 2.35: Manager basé sur HManager : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Iris Manager 2.35: Manager basé sur HManager   

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[NEWS]Iris Manager 2.35: Manager basé sur HManager

Messagepar Attila » Mer 17 Avr 2013 13:32

imageVoici une nouvelle mise à jour du logiciel Iris Manager par D_Skywalk et drizzt permettant de gérer vos backups (sur PS3) pour lancer vos jeux.


Version 2.35
Ported all console presentation to support UTF8 instead of ANSI
Added improvements to "Archive Manager": ability to edit LV2, RAM, select a piece of code, copy it (max 1MB), paste it on other place(file/memory), use it to find matches (max 512 bytes) or create a new file with that content.
Added procedure Write HTAB (thanks to Miralatijera for the assembly code) to make LV2 executable and other stuff [+ laughs]
Added Disc-less mode that runs games from a simulated disc in XMB, using BD EMU, patched explore_plugin and patched libfs, has successfully launched all the games I've tried, without addressing /APP_HOME in CFW 4.40 Miralatijera. This mode doesn't work for those who have a broken BD-Drive or don't have a working lector

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