
[NEWS]Iris Manager 2.51: Compatibilité CFW 4.46 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Iris Manager 2.51: Compatibilité CFW 4.46   

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[NEWS]Iris Manager 2.51: Compatibilité CFW 4.46

Messagepar Attila » Mer 24 Juil 2013 22:24

imageVoici Iris Manager et sa mise à jour 2.51 apporte le support des CFW 4.46 et un contrôle parental.


Version 2.51
-Added support CFW 4.46 (from PS3Ita Manager v1.20.) Thanks to Rancid - o and company)
Note: Has not been tested by my e don't know if needed additional patches in Rogero 4.46 or if there is some kind of bug. I'm still in 4.40 MiralaTijera... so give a try it and if there are problems, we will see that it can be

-Updated languages Chinese simplified/traditional (Thanks Liqianyu) and added Portuguese (from PS3Ita Manager v1.20)

-Added access to menus of options (SELECT and START) by parental control lock to prevent children from accessing these options: If the parental control for the games is set between 1 and 8 inclusive pressing these buttons, display a message instead.

télécharger Télécharger Iris Manager 2.51: Manager basé sur HManager officiel : source :
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Re: [NEWS]Iris Manager 2.51: Compatibilité CFW 4.46

Messagepar Framer » Jeu 25 Juil 2013 18:17

Euh... c'est pas plutôt le support des CFW 4.46 ? (4.41 indiqué dans le sous-titre...)
Messages: 4
Inscription: Ven 9 Nov 2012 09:37

Re: [NEWS]Iris Manager 2.51: Compatibilité CFW 4.46

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 25 Juil 2013 22:09

bien vu merci
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