
[NEWS]Iris Manager 2.58: Manager basé sur HManager : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Iris Manager 2.58: Manager basé sur HManager   

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[NEWS]Iris Manager 2.58: Manager basé sur HManager

Messagepar Attila » Mar 29 Oct 2013 10:56

imageVoici Iris Manager par D_Skywalk et drizzt d'un gestionnaire de backups (sur PS3) pour lancer vos jeux. C'est donc une alternative à Multiman plus légère.


Version 2.58
Archive Manager (File Manager):
- Added vertical split by default in windows A and B from resolution 720P (to switch between vertical/horizontal, press L2/R2).
- Added .png/.jpg small viewer pressing X on these files.
- Added automatic display of ICON0.PNG when we list from game directory (GAMEZ, GAMES) passing through the game folder (the viewer uses the path - "game folder"/PS3_GAME/ICON0.PNG to show it.
- Fixed error of recurring copy when copy to the same unit, at a lower level folder.
- Added libntf_ext latest changes that allow to use functions like fopen() for NTFS/EXTx drives.
NOTE: remember that NTFS/EXTx support only works in Archive Manager: to install .PKG proceed from there.

version 2.56
- Added support for devices with NTFS (Windows, read/write)) and EXT2/3/4 (Linux, read only) from "Archive Manager".
- Added support for PS3_GM01 with BDEmu activated

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