
[NEWS]Kinect-PS3: Kinect sur ... PS3 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Kinect-PS3: Kinect sur ... PS3   

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[NEWS]Kinect-PS3: Kinect sur ... PS3

Messagepar Attila » Dim 20 Mar 2011 22:27

imageEt c'est au tour de la PS3 de recevoir le Kinect, grâce au projet Kinect-PS3 grâce au travail de Shantanu Goel qui permet ainsi d'utiliser la "webcam high tech" de la Xbox 360 sur la PS3 de Sony.

Ce projet de Kinect sur PS3 ne nécessite pas de PS3 Jailbreakée, mais forcément vous aurez besoin d'un intermédiaire pour interpréter les données reçues du Kinect.
C'est pourquoi vous aurez besoin d'un ordinateur entre le Kinect et la PS3 pour ainsi faire passer celui-ci pour un contrôleur Bluetooth.

Ainsi vous pourrez tout faire via le Kinect et contrôler votre PS3 sans manette, en gigotant vos bras devant votre télévision. Naviguer dans les menus, jouer à vos jeux, etc.

Comme vous pouvez le voir, il s'agit d'une version alpha ayant beaucoup de mal avec de la détection de mouvement sur plusieurs axes (notamment pour la partie dans Killzone). Le projet n'est bien évidemment pas finis et nécessite encore beaucoup de boulot.


1. OpenNI Libraries (
2. NITE Libraries ( ... -binaries/)
3. PrimeSense Libraries for kinect (
4. DIYPS3Controller (

You also require the following hardware:
1. A PC with Linux
2. A Bluetooth dongle

Comment compiler

1. Make sure that the above 4 things are installed on your machine and working fine.
2. Download the source of this project to the NITE Samples directory. You can even place it anywhere else but you would need to tweak the makefile to account for the changed paths.
3. Make any changes to the source that you need.
4. Change the included ps3 controller config xml file and place it in one of the locations where diyps3controller can find it.
5. Run make -f kinect-ps3.mak
6. The executable will be available in Samples/Bin directory of NITE.
7. Run kinect-ps3 (without any arguments)
8. Run emuclient (from ps3 controller software) and choose the new xml config file
9. "Become the controller" :)


Menu Profile - This is the default profile that kinect-ps3 starts with and allows to operate the PS3 menus. Moving hand in any direction will move the ps3 menus as if you were using the DPAD with those directions keys pressed. If you run out of the kinect's watched space, then just do a backward push with your hand, bring your hand to center and then again do the backward push and continue scrolling. This is like you lift your finger up and then start dragging from edges of a laptop's touchpad.
For selecting any item, make two successive push movements with your hand without changing any x-y direction.

Game Profile - This profile can be switched to by doing 3 successive backward movements of the hand while in Menu profile. Right now I've implemented only directional controls in game profile because I'm still struggling with multiple hands detections and skeletal tracking. A full profile will be activated soon enough. Currently, the your hand's x/y movements and directly translated to right stick x/y movements (e.g. this is looking in different directions in various FPS games). Moving the hand towards or away from kinect (z-axis) translate to left stick y movements (e.g. this is moving fowards or backwards in most FPS games).

A venir

- Full Menu and Game profiles
- Skeletal tracking for better game profiles
- Switching back to menu profiles from game profiles
- Easier way to specify user custom profiles instead of changing code for the same
- Performance improvement for game profiles

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