
[NEWS]La carte mère du Cobra ODE : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]La carte mère du Cobra ODE   

Les news du Hack PS3 postées sur PS3 Infos

[NEWS]La carte mère du Cobra ODE

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 4 Avr 2013 16:29

imageCobra vient de diffuser la photo de la carte mère de leur produit à venir Cobra Ode, qui vous permettra je vous le rappelle d'hacker toutes les PS3, même celles non compatible downgrade !



We're pleased to present pictures of the final Cobra ODE hardware - Main PCB assembly. As you can see there are two switches which enable configuration of PATA (FAT consoles)/SATA (FAT CECHL consoles) and 2k,2k5k,3k and 4k series slim and super slim consoles. Cobra ODE is the first truly universal PS3 ODE bringing maximum convenience to end users and resellers alike.

As you can see we've designed everything to be connected via FFC cables directly between ODE and console or console, ODE and daughter boards in the case of the 2k5,3k and 4k series consoles. A great deal of effort and time has been put into designing a system with best performance and maximum convenience for installation.

We're working hard on the finalization of the software, stay tuned for further information....

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Cobra ODE
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