
[NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ? : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?   

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[NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar Itachijiraya » Mar 23 Aoû 2011 19:09

imageAdrianc Développeur PS3 ayant entre autre les clé 3.56 ainsi que divers homebrew à son actif veut faire avancé la scène PS3 et nous indique ce qu'il compte faire et parmis ses projets les fameuses clé 3.60 que vous désirez tant.

Il fait une demande de dons afin de pouvoir mettre la main sur une decr-1000A ce qui pourrait lui permettre de:

- Trouver une faille qui permettra de faire fonctionner des émulateurs de PS2 ou encore GameCube qui à ce jour ne sont pas stable.
- Trouver les clés 3.60

Voila ce qu'il dit:

Hey, I'm adrianc, you may know me from around the ps3 scene for my work on various projects, for example finding and releasing the 3.56 keys. I'd like to encourage you to donate whatever you can to this project, as it could be a catalyst for great things in the scene.

First and foremost, the DECR-1000a is a device that is essential to any quality homebrew being produced. Without it, homebrew devs cannot profile their applications in real time, something that will cripple most intensive applications such as gamecube or ps2 emulation, preventing them from ever being viable.

Secondly the DECR-1000a could open up the possibility of dumping the 3.60+ keys as it has a different hardware setup which could make it easier to dump the ram. In addition to this, the Syscon, which remains the last unhacked CPU remaining inside the PS3 could be exploited on the 1000a system, as it has a prototype syscon with a completely different update process.

Third and finally, the DECR-1000a motherboard remains somewhat of a mystery, with only some very old pictures that are available. It would be an incredible asset to the ps3 developer wiki if we could get more information as well as pictures of this enigmatic device.

If you still believe in the ps3 scene, I urge you to donate whatever you can to this project, in order to secure a bright future for devs and end users alike.

Voici les photos d'une DECR-1000a



Ainsi qu'une interview faite par PSX-SCENE

Interview with adrianc

1- Once you get yours hands on a DECR-1000a, do you personally have plans to bring PS2 and GameCube emulation to the 'scene'?

I don't personally intend to oversee these projects, but I have spoken with other devs who expressed interest in this type of advanced emulation, and each time I was told that they couldn't possibly do it without the advanced profiling features available on a DECR-1000a console. One dev in particular said that without being able to see the bottlenecks in the code, the PS3 powerpc performs worse than a Nintendo Wii. :P When I do get my hands on a Decr-1000a, I intend to give these devs remote access so they can debug their code whenever they feel like it.

1a- With dev access to remote debugging, what other interesting things might we possibly see in the future, with the DECR-1000a console?

Besides emulation, this leaves the door open to seeing some triple A homebrew designed specifically for the platform, as well as ports of open source games, such as Lugaru for example. I can't imagine absolutely every scenario, but the bottom line is that having a DECR-1000a removes all obstacles to programming for the PS3.

2- What can we do with the 3.60+ keys?

3.60+ keys will have a great effect on both devs and end users alike. Anyone will be able to decrypt and resign 3.60+ selfs as 3.55, such as Portal 2 for playing on 3.55 consoles. As well, devs will be able to decrypt and examine the 3.60+ firmware for any possible exploits, and open the door to future softmods.

3- What would hacking the syscon provide for the community?

Hacking the syscon could possibly allow 2 wire nand/nor access and provide control over the hardware via UART. As well, it will provide some insight into the device's update process, and possibly allow the installation of hacked syscon firmwares. The sky is truly the limit with regards to syscon hacking, yet most people are not aware of this.

4- What other exploits might you be able to explore with this new console?

RAM dumping, lv1 debugging, and BD-emu to name a few. We won't truly know everything though, until we actually have our hands on the console. DECR consoles may also have different metldr/bootldr versions because of their early design and manufacture.

4a- What types of things might we see with exploring these areas, such as BD-emu?

The DECR-1000a has support for internal BD-emu so exploring how it does this might allow us to replicate such functionality on retail consoles.

4b- Also, what can one hope to find exploring RAM dumping, and lv1 debugging?

Ram dumping will allow competent devs to find the 3.60+ keys as a holdover until it bootldr is exploited. Lv1 debugging theoretically gives us the ability to examine 3.60+ lv1 as it runs perhaps allowing us to dump it and the keys.

5- What are all the different ways we can support this project, the community, and the 'scene'?

Well the fastest and most direct way you can support this project is by making a donation. Other than that, you can support by voting for my LSPWN app here on psx scene( to help win $250 toward the project. Lastly, if you can't spare any money you can help by letting us know you like and support our efforts, this goes a long way towards boosting morale sometimes, you might be surprised!

Mission Statement
We are a group of ps3 scene devs who wish to pool our money to purchase a DECR-1000a for community debugging and exploring possible exploits. Any and all donations are appreciated. : officiel : officiel pour faire un don :
Dernière édition par Itachijiraya le Mer 24 Aoû 2011 13:47, édité 1 fois.
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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 16:54

Re: [NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar Attila » Mar 23 Aoû 2011 19:54

merci pour la news
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Re: [NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar dreddy » Mar 23 Aoû 2011 20:51

bonne nouvelle :)

LA Noire utilise qu'elle version de firmware?
Messages: 13
Inscription: Lun 4 Juil 2011 10:31

Re: [NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar Itachijiraya » Mar 23 Aoû 2011 20:54

3.60 mais peut aussi en 3.55 :)
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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 16:54

Re: [NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar dreddy » Mar 23 Aoû 2011 20:55

Itachijiraya a écrit:3.60 mais peut aussi en 3.55 :)

malheureusement je suis en 3.56 donc...

c'est la galère :p mais vus que des clés en 3.60 serait présente dans un avenir proche..s
Messages: 13
Inscription: Lun 4 Juil 2011 10:31

Re: [NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar Itachijiraya » Mar 23 Aoû 2011 20:59

Il tourne sur console JB en 3.50 et 3.55
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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 16:54

Re: [NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar nenele84 » Mer 24 Aoû 2011 11:33

:01:21] <xell> salut
[17:04:40] <xell> Salut Adrien
[17:06:39] <xell> comment allez-vous?
[17:07:18] <xell> quelque chose de nouveau au sujet de votre projet
[17:07:22] <xell>
[17:07:31] <xell> J'ai passé deux fois
[17:07:36] <xell> il
[19:51:25] <eussNL> wtf? pourquoi l'arrêter? <adrianc> On m'a dit d'arrêter le projet de ... mper-1344/ decr
[19:51:49] <adrianc> chut
[19:53:43] <EiKi> ?
[19:53:56] <EiKi> w00t xD
Petit parleur
Messages: 53
Inscription: Dim 26 Sep 2010 07:04

Re: [NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar dreddy » Mer 24 Aoû 2011 11:45

nenele84 a écrit::01:21] <xell> salut
[17:04:40] <xell> Salut Adrien
[17:06:39] <xell> comment allez-vous?
[17:07:18] <xell> quelque chose de nouveau au sujet de votre projet
[17:07:22] <xell>
[17:07:31] <xell> J'ai passé deux fois
[17:07:36] <xell> il
[19:51:25] <eussNL> wtf? pourquoi l'arrêter? <adrianc> On m'a dit d'arrêter le projet de ... mper-1344/ decr
[19:51:49] <adrianc> chut
[19:53:43] <EiKi> ?
[19:53:56] <EiKi> w00t xD

En résumé?
Messages: 13
Inscription: Lun 4 Juil 2011 10:31

Re: [NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar nenele84 » Mer 24 Aoû 2011 11:55

salut en resumé,les cles ils les ont deja.
donc grosse arnaque,je pensé qu'il fallait le dire pour eviter a certaine personne de se bercer d'illusion.
c'est mon avis perso,a chacun de prendre sa decision.
Petit parleur
Messages: 53
Inscription: Dim 26 Sep 2010 07:04

Re: [NEWS]Les clés 3.60 dans un avenir proche ?

Messagepar dreddy » Mer 24 Aoû 2011 12:17

ils voulaient se faire du pognon :)

excellent :)
Messages: 13
Inscription: Lun 4 Juil 2011 10:31


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