
[NEWS]LG contre Sony: 300 000 PS3 saisies au pays bas : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]LG contre Sony: 300 000 PS3 saisies au pays bas   

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[NEWS]LG contre Sony: 300 000 PS3 saisies au pays bas

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 10 Mar 2011 18:03

imageAlors que Sony fait des procès à la pelle contre des hackeurs pour vol de propriété intellectuelle, Sony lui même viole des brevets à LG, et c'est donc tout naturel que LG se venge et venge en même temps les hackeurs qui sont poursuivis.
Ainsi, au Pays bas, ce sont pas moins de 300 000 consoles qui ont été saisies à l'entrée du pays et risquant la destruction à cause du vol d'un brevet par Sony sur le bluray.

Nous pouvons imaginer que c'est grâce au travail des hackeurs qui ont décryptés les firmwares PS3 que LG s'est rendu compte que ceux-ci contenait la propriété de LG.
Le juge à même autorisé à saisir les consoles PS3 chez les personnes l'ayant acheté ! Bien entendu pour des raisons pratiques ce n'est pas possible vu qu'il n'y a pas de listing des acheteurs.

Dutch police have seized several thousand PlayStation 3s at Sony’s biggest European warehouse in the latest stage of its acrimonious patent battle with LG.

LG has won a court order enabling it to seize all new PS3 across the Netherlands – including those already in Dutch homes – in a dispute that centres on Sony’s allegedly infringing use of Blu-ray technology belonging to LG.

The injunction means that LG is tightening the net on PS3s in Europe, having already ordered customs officers to seize thousands of the consoles last week.

Sony will fight to have the blockade lifted at an emergency hearing in the Hague’s civil court of justice tomorrow.

LG argues that Sony PS3s infringe a number of its patents relating to playback of Blu-ray discs. The Korean company has been granted an investigation into the PS3′s Blu-ray use by the US international trade commission, after seeking a “permanent exclusion order … excluding entry into the United States” of the games console.

Tomorrow’s court battle will be one of the first times the Asian giants have come head to head in patent disputes stretching almost seven years.

LG is likely to apply for the consoles to be destroyed, while Sony will apply for the blockade to be lifted. A court judgment on what happens next could be returned tomorrow or in the coming days.

Customs officials at Rotterdam and Schiphol, the main import points for PS3s for both the UK and wider Europe, are understood to have extended a blockade on two Sony shipments made last week.

Sony, which imports about 100,000 PS3s into Europe each week, is attempting to get all the restrictions lifted.

If Sony is found to have infringed LG patents, it could be forced to compensate the South Korean manufacturer for each PS3 it has sold around the world, which could cost hundreds of millions of pounds.

A spokesman for Sony said: “Sony was notified at the end of February by customs authorities in the Netherlands that an inspection would be made into imports of [PlayStation 3s]. We believe this is due to a petition made by LG Electronics, alleging that Sony may be infringing LG patents related to Blu-ray technologies.

“However, this is only a preliminary injunction, that has resulted in shipments being temporarily withheld. It does not indicate any acceptance of LG’s allegations. We consider these allegations unwarranted, and will take appropriate measures including filing a claim of opposition to courts in the Netherlands. We will not comment on any further details.” :
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Re: [NEWS]LG contre Sony: 300 000 PS3 saisies au pays bas

Messagepar psykoknarf » Jeu 10 Mar 2011 18:13

Ce qui me ferait marrer, c'est que tout le monde boycotte $ony et £g, comme ça on recommence tout à zéro, plus d'argent qui rentre chez eux, et c'est les développeurs de jeux qui les mettent en procès pour non-respect de la liberté individuelle. Comme ça ils seront obligés de se racheter mutuellement et de mettre en commun leurs brevets pour subsister et donc, moins cher, les objets qu'ils vendent... :twisted:

Mais bon, ce n'est qu'une utopie...
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Messages: 753
Inscription: Mer 2 Mar 2011 16:29

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