
[NEWS]Mathieulh découvre la master key PSP grâce à la PS3 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Mathieulh découvre la master key PSP grâce à la PS3   

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[NEWS]Mathieulh découvre la master key PSP grâce à la PS3

Messagepar Attila » Lun 3 Jan 2011 23:47

imageC'est grâce à la découverte de toutes les clés PS3 qu'ainsi Mathieulh a découvert dans la PS3 la master key PSP qui sert ainsi à décrypter des données de la PSP.
Est ce que la PSP est maintenant autant hackée que la PS3 ? Pourrons nous signer son homebrew sans besoin de faille?


Je vous laisse les messages IRC laissés par Mathieulh:
< @Mathieulh> got the kirk engine keys
< @Mathieulh> thx sony xD
< +rck`d> psp crypto
< @Mathieulh> well it’s in ps3 but it’s psp keys
< @Mathieulh> I can encrypt/sign any psp apps now
< @Mathieulh> lol
< @Mathieulh> yah
< @Mathieulh> has drm keyz too
< @dwrfcrank> Davee: Hey I told you it’s a isolated SPU module >:O
< @Mathieulh> so you can make your own psn store clone
< @Mathieulh> on psp

[07:47] < @Mathieulh> they are inside an isolated module
[07:47] Mathieulh, what file is the updater ?
[07:47] < @Mathieulh> which is inside a sprx
[07:48] plz
[07:48] what do u need them for? rofl
[07:48] its psp
[07:48] < @Mathieulh> DarkHack it’s inside pip
[07:48] not ps3
[07:48] < @Mathieulh> pup *
[07:48] kirk= The hardware crypto engine responsible for almost all aspects of the PSP’s security, including decryption of eboots & prx’s, savefile and adhoc encryption, and idstorage verification. Named after Captain Kirk of Star Trek.
[07:48] < @Mathieulh> ra you can sign psp apps
[07:48] even if he releases them there is no point
[07:48] which file ?
[07:48] < @Mathieulh> well “sign” xD
[07:48] < @Mathieulh> cause the signature is hmac-md5
[07:48] < @Mathieulh> while the encryption is AES128CTR
[07:49] Mathieulh, which file in the pup is the updater ?
[07:49] Mathieulh, just one question, how did you decrypt the sprx
[07:49] < @Mathieulh> darkhacke seriously…. it’s the only fucking self in there
[07:49] < @Mathieulh> cooled_ I decrypted appldr
[07:50] like lv2_kernel.self icon razz Mathieulh Has Found The PSP Master Keys In PS3!
[07:50] i think its time this room became +m for 5 mins hahahaha
[07:50] < +jas0nuk> Mathieulh, start talking in french
[07:50] < @Mathieulh> (actually I pwned and dumped it first since I released the keys already)
[07:50] < @Mathieulh> then I looked for the keys
[07:50] ra, break kirk means that you can sign homebrew in user mode.. nothing of kernel mode…
[07:50] < @Mathieulh> grabbed them all
[07:50] no need be rude Mathieulh ):
[07:50] < @Mathieulh> used the one I needed to decrypt the sprx I knew had nice shit in
[07:50] and over 6.XX it’s easyly recokable
[07:50] < @Mathieulh> then I extracted the isolated module from it
[07:50] < @Mathieulh> then I decrypted/pwned isoldr
[07:50] < @Mathieulh> grabbed key
[07:51] < @Mathieulh> then decrypted the isolated module
[07:51] == Indy_ [[email protected]] has joined #ps3dev
[07:51] < @Mathieulh> then I had all the keys + algos there
[07:51] == HiBit [[email protected]] has joined #ps3dev
[07:51] < @Mathieulh> tadaa ! :
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Re: [NEWS]Mathieulh découvre la master key PSP grâce à la PS3

Messagepar battouchii » Mar 4 Jan 2011 00:05

la ps3 c'est la porte ouverte à toutes les fenêtres ==> [ ]

je ne voudrais pas être responsable de la sécurité système chez sony.
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Inscription: Jeu 23 Sep 2010 10:30

Re: [NEWS]Mathieulh découvre la master key PSP grâce à la PS3

Messagepar samoht » Mar 4 Jan 2011 00:16

Bientot il vont decrouvrir la master key de la 360 ou de la future ps4 j'en suis sur mwahahaha merci sony...
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Inscription: Mar 28 Sep 2010 16:20

Re: [NEWS]Mathieulh découvre la master key PSP grâce à la PS3

Messagepar Linik » Mar 4 Jan 2011 11:39

Ils trouveront p'tète la Master Key de la connerie du PSJailbreak
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Inscription: Jeu 16 Sep 2010 23:14

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