
[NEWS][MAJ]mmCM (Multiman) 04.04.01 : Mise à jour du lecteur sponsorisé Cobra : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS][MAJ]mmCM (Multiman) 04.04.01 : Mise à jour du lecteur sponsorisé Cobra   

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[NEWS][MAJ]mmCM (Multiman) 04.04.01 : Mise à jour du lecteur sponsorisé Cobra

Messagepar Attila » Mer 20 Juin 2012 21:40

imageLe Multiman "Cobra manager edition" se met encore à jour, pour le bonheur de tout ceux qui utilisent la PS3 comme backup loader, gestionnaire de fichier ou lecteur multimédia.

Image Image

Multiman Cobra Manager mmCM (mmOS) version 04.04.01
* Added support for desktop shortcuts to games:
- Name of the game, Icon of the game used for the shortcut created to game's EBOOT.BIN
* Added background image for game folders (PIC1.PNG used if present)
* Added "Open Location" in context menu [O] for shortcuts
* Added path information when deleting games from internal/external HDD
* Added feature to keep desktop icons when shortcuts are renamed
* Added support for multiple shortcuts to files/folders with the same name (Windows alike - adding (1), (2)... (64) to the shortcut name)
* Added support for REBUG 3.55.2 and OFW/MFW 3.41 to the "BD-Mirror" option for (BSG) game backups in internal HDD
* Updated bdRESET to version 2.2 (to reset BD-Mirror state for internal HDD)

Multiman Cobra Manager mmCM (mmOS) version 04.04.00
* Fixed something that annoyed some users of 5x4x5, 4x2 and XBDM display modes: After restart (or going to mmOS and back) game modes 5x4x5, 4x2 and XBDM will display the last selected entry (game, video, music, photo) and will *not* reset to dash mode
* Added option to "Default Display Mode" setting: [Disable]; If there is no display-mode-lock it will make mM start in the last used display mode
* FTP session timeout set to 1 minute

mmOS related:
* Added context menu when desktop is selected (to Refresh, Create New Folder, Show Desktop, Reset mmOS, Restore Wallpaper)
* Added "Permissions" to context menu when single folder is selected (to reset folder access permissions)
* Double clicking on .p3t (PS3 theme) will copy/install the file/theme to PS3 XMB themes system folder (/dev_hdd0/theme); user can later install it from XMB
* Added support for creating shortcuts to /net_host PC shares
* Folders created on the desktop now open properly
* Desktop shortcuts to /ps3_home/video, music and photo now have proper icons and open the virtual folder and not the /dev_hdd0/* one
* Desktop shortucts to games/executables (EBOOT.BIN/.SELF) can be used to boot external apps or mount games

Game Compatibility:
CFWs 3.55 Related ( KMEAW / REBUG / ROGERO )
- Improved compatibility for the so-called "Black-Screen-Games" (BSG) which *until now* required the "BD-Mirror" option and worked ONLY from external usb HDD (otherwise game would lock/loop/error during load).
- Now users of the listed firmwares can use the "BD-Mirror" option for game backups stored in the INTERNAL HDD. It may improve the compatibility of over 100 games (some older titles, some newer),
for example AC1 / Colin Dirt 1 / Prince Of Persia / CoD / MW / Tomb Raider, incl. titles which had sound issues.
- A partial list of some games that may gain from the new option can be found here:
(by GotIt4Free /
- It is now possible to set "BD-Mirror" option for games in Internal HDD and it enables the new functionality. The option works both with PS3 Game Disc in the tray and in discless mode from /app_home.
- The option is available in the "Game Settings" menu for each game in the list

Multiman Cobra Manager mmCM (mmOS) version 04.03.03

* Fixed rare issue causing mmOS to lock/stall when browsing /ps3_home subfolders
* Added "Reset Desktop" option to mmOS home menu (resets icons positions and closes all windows)
* Added "Set as Wallpaper" / "Restore Wallpaper" to mmOS context menu when single image (jpg/png) is selected; affects all display modes
* Added better visualization when moving icons around the desktop with L3 (Windows alike)
* Changed visualization of selected/hovered desktop icons (a bit slicker)

Multiman Cobra Manager mmCM (mmOS) version 04.03.02
- Extended desktop content to 48 icons (6 system and 42 user defined); system icons cannot be moved/renamed/deleted
- Added ability to arrange desktop icons - press L3 over an icon to move it to a free placeholder and then press L3 to place it
- Fixed issue with playing/loading 2GB+ files with Showtime from /net_host or NTFS USB HDD (file wrongly cached to /dev_hdd1 when there isn't enough space there)
- Fixed issue when USB.CFG is not present in USRDIR - now warning is issued when user enables PFS mode
- Fixed loading of last open folders in mmOS - now /pvd_usb* folders from NTFS drives are not reloaded

télécharger Télécharger mmCM (Multiman) 04.04.00 + Cobra USB 5.0 : Lecteur multimédia officiel :
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Re: [NEWS]mmCM (Multiman) 04.03.02 : Mise à jour du lecteur sponsorisé Cobra

Messagepar deaphroat » Jeu 21 Juin 2012 02:04


Et pas de 4.03.03 ou de 4.04 ?
Messages: 3
Inscription: Mar 20 Sep 2011 19:06

Re: [NEWS]mmCM (Multiman) 04.03.02 : Mise à jour du lecteur sponsorisé Cobra

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 21 Juin 2012 08:05

ah on dirait que je me suis fail dans la news :/

edit: voila 4.0.4 publié
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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

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