
[NEWS]multiMAN 02.06.00: Gérez vos backups, vidéos et fichiers : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]multiMAN 02.06.00: Gérez vos backups, vidéos et fichiers   

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[NEWS]multiMAN 02.06.00: Gérez vos backups, vidéos et fichiers

Messagepar Attila » Sam 10 Sep 2011 15:21

imageDean propose cet homebrew de lancement de backup: MultiMan 02.06.00 (anciennement AVCHD / GAME / FILE manager). Basé sur une modification de l'Open Backup Manager, cet homebrew propose, en plus de la gestion des backups, la possibilité de lire vos vidéos AVCHD, en intégrant les sources de Simple AVCHD Manager. Il intègre aussi un gestionnaire de backup et de fichiers.

Image Image

Version 02.06.00
* Added: Support for 7 connected controllers to be used simultaneously
* Added: Animation/slide effect when browsing USB/PS3HDD devices in XMMB mode
* Added: BD Remote controller buttons: YELLOW BUTTON = Restart, RED BUTTON = QUIT
* Added: Experimental motion/movie background support: If wave.divx is present in multiMAN's USRDIR folder you can enable motion background with SELECT+TRIANGLE.
* Added: REFRESH option in SIDE menu for photo/music/video/retro columns when USB/PS3HDD entries are selected
* Added: Quit and Restart options in SIDE menu for Settings column
* Added: Quick access options in SIDE menu for XMMB Game and Favorites columns
* Added: A small touch to the SIDE menu: it will ZOOM in the current entry much like the real XMB
* Added: Increasing/Decreasing MP3 playback volume will make the pop-up box display in the lower left corner (thanks to chitalov for the reminder)
* Added: If multiMAN is started via Remote Play, TV Overscan will be automatically set to 10%
* Changed: Color labels when selecting the color for the SIDE menu
* Changed: Browsing USB devices in XMMB will behave like real XMB (i.e. will first open /VIDEO or /MUSIC or /PICTURE folders to look for content)
* Changed: If non-English GUI language is selected in conjunction with User Font, proper User Font will be restored after restart
* Fixed: Setting wallpaper after PNG file was used as wallpaper
* Fixed: Sorting order in XMMB for PS3 HDD and USB device icons.
* Fixed: MP3 playback (when sometimes audio plays in wrong frequency)
* Fixed: Freezing in coverflow when fast-browsing over 100 titles
* Performance check: multiMAN does ~122fps @ 1920x1080p 59.94Hz
* Showtime 3.1.241 available via online update and included in BASE/FULL versions
* 2800 game covers available online (10x to MCLUB)

télécharger Télécharger multiMAN 02.06.00 + Ebootfix/mod v5: Gérez vos backups, vidéos et fichiers Officiel :
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Re: [NEWS]multiMAN 02.06.00: Gérez vos backups, vidéos et fichiers

Messagepar Skerlex » Sam 10 Sep 2011 16:14

A chaque fois que je télécharge une mise à jour via multiman j'ai une erreur lorsque je veux l'installer ... Pourtant j'ai bien installé la base avant, mais bon, peut être que passer de .02 à .06 directement ça n'est pas possible
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Inscription: Dim 5 Sep 2010 09:32

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