
[NEWS]multiMAN (mmCM) 04.17.00: Toujours plus rapide : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]multiMAN (mmCM) 04.17.00: Toujours plus rapide   

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[NEWS]multiMAN (mmCM) 04.17.00: Toujours plus rapide

Messagepar Attila » Ven 21 Déc 2012 09:24

imageDean propose cet homebrew de lancement de backup: MultiMan
Cette nouvelle mise à jour (il n'arrête pas!) apporte encore des améliorations de vitesse !!


Version 04.17.00
* Improved overall speed of all functions and GUI
* Data Test/Verify functions now take fraction of the time compared to previous versions
* Improved 'Verifying data' of USB games by a factor of 50
* Improved scan before copying a game/folder
* Improved loading folders in mmOS
* Improved just a bit deleting games/folders
* Greatly improved loading content when browsing PS3 HDD/USB drives in game modes
* Loading Retro ROM/Video/Photo and ISO folders while browsing PS3 HDD/USB is now about 15 times faster
* Added "Friendly" name option in "Settings"/"Network Servers" for /net_host parties
* Fixed over-scrolling when browsing through large number of entries
* Increased max number of entries in game modes by 50% to 3072 (from 2048)
* Improved speed when copying games/files from/to USB HDDs
* Improved speed when copying games from PS3 Game Discs
* Improved speed when copying/browsing folders via FTP (LIST/MLSD)
* Added support for up to 99 pkg files in the [* Install Package Files] queue
* [* Install Package Files] function will scan /dev_hdd0/PKGTMP and will MOVE the queued pkg files from this folder (saving HDD space by not copying to temp location)
* mmOS will now honor the "Verify USB Games" setting when starting games from icons/shortcuts/game-folder
* Scanning for active USB storage devices is now performed in the background and will speed up loading games on 4.**CFW
* Verifying games in now performed in the background (when possible) to avoid delays when loading games


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