
[NEWS] Nestopia r2: Emulateur NES pour PS3 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS] Nestopia r2: Emulateur NES pour PS3   

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[NEWS] Nestopia r2: Emulateur NES pour PS3

Messagepar Attila » Dim 24 Oct 2010 21:20

imageVoici un début de Nestopia, émulateur NES qui vous permet ainsi de jouer a vos jeux / roms NES sur votre PS3.
L'auteur de ce portage est Hobo Robo.


Release 2
-Added great NES icon from fraser0206 at psx-scene, thanks
-Save games and save states in nestopia
-Fast Forward, Hold R2 to go at 4x speed
-Fixed the Exit Game option from the PS3 menu, it no longer restarts the system
-File list tweaks, removed the . and .. entries(use Circle to go up a directory). Holding cross no longer trys
to down more than one directory.
-VSync is still disabled

Press right stick to exit

VSync disabled to prevent sound issues
Sound buffer code sucks
Press L3 + L1 to save state, L3 + R1 to load
All saves are placed in the emulator's package folder

Next I hope to work on:
Adding various settings.
Load new game without exiting emulator.
Overscan workaround for those with issues.

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