
[NEWS]NoRSX PC Emulator v0.0.2 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]NoRSX PC Emulator v0.0.2   

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[NEWS]NoRSX PC Emulator v0.0.2

Messagepar Attila » Lun 2 Juil 2012 21:11

imageNoRSX PC Emulator est un outil uniquement pour développeurs PS3 (ça n'est PAS un émulateur de jeux PS3) qui permet d'émuler sur PC le processeur graphique RSX de la PS3.


Is it a PS3 Emulator? NO IT ISN'T. It's a port.

Who coded it? Me, Deroad.

What it does? The same things as the PS3 version.

Will it updated when NoRSX (PS3 Version) will have an update? Yes, it will be updated with the same updates as the PS3 one.

What Libs it requires? you need SDL, SDL_image and freetype2.

What i can do with it? i already have the PS3 version! Well i wrote it, since some time i don't have the PS3 and i need something to allow me to continue to work on this lib. this is why i created it; but for you can be a useful tool to test the graphics of your homebrew if you used NoRSX as the default lib; it will save you lot of time.

Authors: Deroad, KDSBest (for his performance patches).

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