
[NEWS]NORway 0.5 - Teensy++ 2.0 Flasher Software : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]NORway 0.5 - Teensy++ 2.0 Flasher Software   

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[NEWS]NORway 0.5 - Teensy++ 2.0 Flasher Software

Messagepar Attila » Lun 23 Juil 2012 22:06

imageNORway est un programme par judges pour Teensy++ 2.0 permettant de dumper/restaurer la mémoire NOR de la PS3.
Il s'agit d'une adaptation de NORalizer, par marcan.


La mise en place n'est pas donnée à tout le monde.
L'auteur affirme avoir downgradé sa PS3 avec cet outil, il va publier un tutoriel prochainement.

Version 0.5
+ Added block table for Samsung K8Q2815UQB. The programming modes "writeword" and
"writewordubm" don't require manual chip/sector erase prior to writing anymore!
+ Bugfix: " COMx release" didn't work. Now you can leave Teensy powered at
all times and console will boot up correctly after issuing a "release" command
+ Bugfix: increased TRANSMIT_TIMEOUT for Teensy's serial device to 10000ms
(required for OS X)
+ Bugfix: disabled DSR/DTR flow control (wasn't working reliably on OS X)
+ Bugfix: TRISTATE wasn't set correctly
+ Added additional verification when writing is done. Although each write command
verifies each written sector/block, it happened that written bytes weren't
+ Added "verify" command

Version 0.4
+ Bugfix: RY/BY signal was not always detected correctly
+ Added programming support for Samsung and Macronix

Currently supported NOR types:
Spansion S29GL128N
Spansion S29GL128P
Samsung K8P2716UZC
Samsung K8Q2815UQB
Macronix MX29GL128E

+ Added manufacturer and chip type autoselect
+ Added sector protection recognition (not supported for Samsung K8Q2815UQB)
+ Added "bootloader" command to (enters Teensy's bootloader mode)
+ Added "erasechip" command to COMx erasechip

Erases the entire NOR (takes 1-3 minutes)

+ Added two new programming modes COMx writeword dump.bin

Requires manual chip/sector erase before.

Programs the NOR in word programming mode. It's a four-bus-cycle
operation (per word), i.e. it's the slowest, but most compatible
programming mode. A full write takes about 9 minutes. Supported by
all NOR types. Use this as a last resort if nothing else works. COMx writewordubm dump.bin

Requires manual chip/sector erase before.

Programs the NOR in unlock bypass mode (word programming). It's a
two-bus-cycle operation (per word), i.e. it's slower than write
buffer programming (command "write"), but faster than standard word
programming mode (see above). A full write takes about 9 minutes.
Supported by all NOR types. Use this if "write" command doesn't work.

télécharger Télécharger NORway 0.5 - Teensy++ 2.0 Flasher Software officiel : :
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