
[NEWS]ProgSkeet 11/08: Dump/flash de NAND et NOR : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]ProgSkeet 11/08: Dump/flash de NAND et NOR   

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[NEWS]ProgSkeet 11/08: Dump/flash de NAND et NOR

Messagepar Attila » Ven 12 Aoû 2011 15:38

imageProgSkeet est une puce permettant de flasher/dumper les NAND, NOR ou tout autre mémoire non volatile, et est donc compatible avec les PS3, Wii, Xbox360 etc.
Retrouvez les schéma de câblage pour PS3 et Wii, un programme pour Windows et les drivers.


Programme version 110811
- NOR: Rewrote entire NOR driver. NAND is unmodified.
- NOR: Write-To-Buffer Programming method optimized (added timeout)
Note: not every device supports this. Please consult the datasheet if you are facing problems.
- NOR: Erase Sector optimized (added timeout)
- NOR: Forced verify and differential flash
- NOR: Can't enter values anymore, thanks to RAIDEN (if only some people could read...)

Note: Some NOR flash devices have bad sectors (usually just a few bytes, but enough for entire systems not to work). These will be reported in C:\ProgSkeet.log

If you have such a device (for example, I heard this happens with RSOD on PS3), you should relocate the sectors to somewhere else or replace the NOR flash device.

- NOR: Fixed fault in timeout of programming/erasing. Also increased it to 3.5seconds per line and per sector.

- NOR: Added wait on erase sector.

- Improved flashing speed

- Added "tries" for flashing. It is currently hard-coded to 5 tries.

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