
[NEWS]PS2 Controller Remapper v1.00 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS2 Controller Remapper v1.00   

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[NEWS]PS2 Controller Remapper v1.00

Messagepar Attila » Dim 26 Mai 2013 21:54

imagePS2 Controller Remapper est un programme ordinateur qui vous permet de modifier vos jeux PS2 afin d'associer de des touches de votre choix pour chacun des boutons de la manette.


Le programme a besoin d'un fichier .elf du jeu pour savoir les adresses à modifier, et vous fournit un fichier de cheat code à appliquer.

Comment l'utiliser

Opening an ELF

In order to remap the controller PS2 Controller Remapper must analyze the games executable ELF file, you can do this by dragging and dropping the ELF file or by clicking 'Browse'.
The game's ELF file can be found by looking for SXXX_###.## in the game disc's root directory or .elf elsewhere, where Xs are letters and #s are numbers.
Some games have multiple ELF files - if you receive the error "Unable to locate controller routine" search the disc for .elf files and try one of those.


Select the input to change and scroll through the list of inputs to select what to replace it with
PS2 Controller Remapper makes sure that every input can be mapped to only one other input - this is by design


Selecting the 'Use memcpy' checkbox reduces code length by ten, however it also reduces compatibility
Selecting the 'RAW Code' radio button generates codes in unencrypted 'RAW' PS2 cheat code format - compatible with ps2rd and Codebreaker 9.3+
Selecting the 'PNACH' option generates codes in PCSX2 cheat code format (also compatible with ps2rdmod (ps2rdmod (ps2rd w/PNACH support)))


Hit the 'Remap' button, copy or save the code and enjoy!


General FAQ

Received error "Invalid ELF file"
The file is not an ELF or is a broken ELF.
Received error "Unable to locate controller routine"
The game is either multi-ELF or not compatible.
"The code did not change the controls or screwed up the controls"
Try the following
In the 'scePadRead hook address' drop down try selecting a different address, if there are no others or the others do not work please report the game here.
"Why are the codes so long?"
See the Technical FAQ.
"Can you explain how to use cheat codes to me?"
No - Google is your friend.
"I have not used this program, is it compatible with game XXX?"
Try it and find out.

Technical FAQ

"Does this work with scePad2Read games"
"Can this be made into an ELF hack"
Not with the default settings - the 0x000fd000 address is used to place the remapping routine outside of normally used memory for compatibility, this address may be modified to an address within an ELF so long as the data can be safely overwritten - one good way to find such an address is to look for error string tables in ps2dis - if the string table is contiguous and large enough to hold the routine it will work, PNACH Converter (PNACH Converter 2.00) can then be used to convert the output into an ELF hack.
"Why are the codes so long?"
The codes are long because PS2 Controller Remapper dynamically builds a function to process the controller's data structure before it is interpreted by the game itself, in order to do this the data structure containing the pad state must be copied, modified and then overwritten, this is done by per input-type load/store subroutines (which are already very well optimized), it is possible to reduce the code length by 30-40% by using more specialized input-type->input-type combined load/store subroutines but that would require a good deal more work - I may try this in the future.
"Does this impact game performance?"
In my testing - no, although it does certainly slow down the controller's read function considerably. Fortunately a few hundred extra cycles are generally not a big deal for a 290+mhz CPU.
"Are there any known incompatibilities?"
Some games (like Ridge Racer V) appear to process input differently (while still using scePadRead), this seems to be related to supporting a PS1 digital controller. I have not been able to figure out how to reliably capture/modify this mode's I/O, fortunately this problem seems limited to very old games.
Some games may load libpad or libpad2 from an IRX - in these cases ELF analysis can't locate the scePadread/scePad2Read function.
There may still be some versions of libpad which are not profiled - if you have a ton of game ELFs lying around (more than 100) let me know, you may be able to help me discover new versions and increase compatibility.

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