
[NEWS]PS3 Game List v1.7: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS3 Game List v1.7: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour   

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[NEWS]PS3 Game List v1.7: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour

Messagepar Attila » Dim 29 Mai 2011 15:33

imagePS3 Game List est une application vous permettant de lister les backups présents sur votre disque dur. De la même manière que PS3 Game Updater, il vous permet également de télécharger les mises à jour disponibles pour vos jeux simplement. Disponible pour PC, MAC et Linux.


Version 1.7
Allows multiple simultaneous downloads (configuration via settings dialog);
Supports download pausing/resuming;
Displays download speed;
Allows users to indicate whether a game loads from the external hard disk or not (double click on the correspondent cell to select the desired value, the info will be stored at 'external.txt' when the save action is performed; the file can be manually edited, the format is [GAME_ID] , where can be 0 (Not Tested), 1 (Not Working) or 2 (Working); e.g. BCUS98114 0);
Full Unicode support (UTF-8) (configuration via settings dialog; by enabling Unicode, the application will render non-Latin characters used in western languages, special symbols, etc.; text will be rendered using ISO-8859-1(Latin-1)/Windows-1252 otherwise);
Displays check items (flags) as icons (configuration via settings dialog);
Indicates whether a game update has been downloaded (partially or in full);
Overwrite confirmation is no longer asked (the package SHA1sum is checked instead; if the hash test fails, the update will be added to the download queue);
Additional language support: Japanese;
Fixed _TITLE_/_ID_ order issue (custom rename);
Fixed image loading issue after folder renaming;
Fixed drive usage info;
Updated German text (thanks to Whynot for the correct translation).

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Re: [NEWS]PS3 Game List v1.7: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour

Messagepar astuceman10 » Dim 29 Mai 2011 19:44

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Inscription: Mer 29 Déc 2010 20:56

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